Snerz Made a Deal with a Goat

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Returning to the village and inside Snerz's place, Snerz has a visitor. The Goat asked, "Are you Snerz that my manager told me about?" Snerz said, "Of course." He said, "Listen amigo, I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night. But he did say you'd make it worth my while." Snerz tossed the bag filled with bruckles to the Goat. "Okay. Now we're getting somewhere. I'm all ears."

Snerz looked around to make sure that there is nobody in the room with them. He said, "It's like this. I've got my heart set on marrying Sam. But he needs a little persuasion." Yes Man said, "Except he turned him down flat and his friends threw him out. And I do mean literally." Snerz growled, "Shut up, Yes Man! I don't need a reminder!" Yes Man apologized, "Sorry, Mr Snerz."

He turned his attention to the Goat and said, "Everyone knows his father is a looney. He was here last night yapping about a beast in the castle." Goat said, "But Reggie is harmless." He said, "Listen. The point is Sam will do anything to keep him from being lock up." Yes Man added, "Even marrying him." Snerz growled at Yes Man to shut him up. Goat said, "So, let me get this straight. You wanted me to take his father and throw him to the asylum unless he agrees to marry you? That's just cruel, despicable, evil. I love it!"

Back at the I-Am's home, Reggie was packing his things so he can get back to the castle and rescue Sam and his friends. "If no one will help me, then I'll go back there alone. I don't care what it takes. I'll find that castle somehow. I'll get them out of there." He walked out of the house as the carriage arrived at the same time.

Snerz burst the door open and called, "Sam? Reggie? We need to talk!" But unfortunately, nobody's home. "Where the yip is everybody?" Yes Man said, "Oh well. I guess the plan won't work after all." Snerz said, "Not quite. They'll be back. And when they do, we'll be ready for them. Cause for now..." He grabbed Yes Man, dragged him outside, and sat him down. "Don't move from that spot until Sam, his friends, and his father come home." Snerz got on the carriage and rode off leaving Yes Man behind. Yes Man said, "Oh dear."

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