Dinner Refusal

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Guy was pacing waiting for Sam and the girls to come down the stairs to the dining room. Guy asked, "What's taking it so long? I told one of them to come down the stairs. Are they even coming down yet?" Michelle said, "You have to be patient. That boy just lost both his father and freedom in one day." Sly asked, "Master, have you wondering that one of these girls could be one who can break the spell?" He said, "How should I know? These girls are too young for me." Sly said, "At least give it a try. So first, you'll fall in love with her, she'll fall in love with you, and then, poof! The spell will be broken and everything will be back to normal." Clank said, "I do not think it will be that easy, Sly. Things takes time." Daxter said, "But we have no time. The rose has already started loosing its petals."

Guy mumbled, "Who am I kidding? I can't do this. He's so beautiful and I'm just..." He stopped himself when he realized that he called Sam beautiful. The servents were surprised as well.

Guy asked, "Did I called him beautiful?" No one said anything until Ratchet said, "If I said otherwise, I'd be lying."

Michelle said, "Never mind that. Let's just force on the main thing. Starting by charming one of them." Sly said, "She's right. Once they come in, you have to give them a great and amazing smile. Come on, let's see that smile." Guy smiled wider showing a huge teeth and fangs. The servants moved back. Ratchet said, "Not exactly what we have in mind." Michelle said, "Yes. You're supposed to make them feel comfortable. Not uncomfortable." Clank said, "There is also that you must remember." "You must to control your temper!" The servants added.

Then, they all heard the door opens. "And here they are." Daxter said. But unfortunately, it's Qwark. Ratchet said, "Oh, it's just Qwark." Guy asked, "Qwark? Where are they?" Qwark said, "Who? Oh yeah. The little man and his friends. Yeah, about that..."

Outside the dining room, Qwark told him that Sam and the girls are not coming down. "WHAT!!!????!!!!!!" Guy exploded before burst out the door and rushed to Sam's room.

He banged the door hard and yelled, "I thought I told you to come down to dinner!" Inside Sam's room, Sam's back was facing the door as he had his arms crossed. He said, "I'm not hungry." Guy yelled, "You and your friends better come out right now or I'll break down the door!" Sly said, "Master, I could be wrong, but I don't think this will change his mind. Just try to be very gentle with them." Guy growled, "What? He's being so difficult!" Michelle said, "Gently, Guy. Just gently."

Guy grumbled, "Will you and your friends join me for dinner?" Sam yelled, "No!" Qwark said, "Okay, try soft and gentle. And don't forget to say please." Guy said holding on his anger inside of him, "It'll be great pleasure if you all join me for dinner. Please." "A big huge n-o!" Sam refused.

Guy broke out his anger and yelled, "You can't stay in there forever!" He said, "Oh yes I can! I'd rather starve to eat with you!" The Beast yelled, "Fine! Be my guest! Go ahead and starve! If he doesn't want to eat with me, then they doesn't have to eat at all!" He stomped away angrily and slammed the door hard behind him.

"Well that went well." Tirzah and Jasmine said. Talwyn said, "Great. So much to charm someone to change their minds." Qwark said, "Come on, everyone. We've got so much cleaning stuff to do."

In the West Wing and in Guy's room, Guy was so frustrated that Sam keep saying no. "I had enough with him! I just said please! What else he wants me to do? Beg?"

He grabbed the magic mirror and said, "Show me the little man." The image from the mirror shows Sam sitting on the floor in front of the bed with his arms wrapped around his legs feeling upset. He buried his face in his knees.

Guy felt bad before placed the mirror facedown on the table and said, "Who am I kidding? I just made a fool of myself. He and his friends will never see me as anyone but a monster." He looked at the rose as it lost its next petal. Guy is running out of time. If he doesn't learn how to fall in love with the one and have the other fall in love in return soon, he'll spend his rest of his life in the castle as a beast forever. "It's hopeless." Guy sadly said.

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