Wolves Attacks

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Sam and the girls got on their horses and rode off away from the castle. They all heard a howl. Jasmine looked behind her and said, "Oh no. Not those wolves again!" Everyone looked and sees the whole pack of wolves. "Flee!" Sam yelled before the others ran down the forest with the wolves behind them.

The wolf was about to take a bite on the girls, but Twilight used her magic to pushed the wolf back. But the rest of the pack are still catching up on the team. Pinkie used her magic bomb of her sweets and threw it in front of the wolves to slow them down.

But unfortunately, more of the pack ambushed the girls and Sam causes their horses to knock them off and get caught by the branches.

Sunset said before picking up the stick, "Guess we have to fight." Rarity asked, "Against the whole pack?" She asked, "What choices do we have?" The others grabbed the sticks to use as a weapons as they're ready to fight the wolves. But one of them grabbed Sam's stick and pushed him down. Not to mention, broke it in half.

The other wolf was ready to jump on Sam. Pinkie yelled, "Sam!" But when the wolf was about to bite Sam, Guy jumped on the attacking wolf before threw it out.

The wolves stopped attacking the girls and starts to attack Guy. The Beast fights the pack as the wolves are biting and scratching him. Fluttershy covered her eyes not wanting to watch the fight. The wolf jumped on Guy, knocking him down, and biting his arm as Guy roared in pain. Guy threw the wolf off of him. The wolves were ready for another attack but Guy roared really loud causes them to run in retreat while whimpering.

Guy was panting in exhausted. He faced at Sam and the girls before fell to the ground knocked out.

Applejack said, "Nows our chance. Come on." The girls were about to hopped on their horses, but they noticed that Sam isn't getting on. He just stared at Guy.

Sam wanted to run back to the village and reunite with his father and that beast did scared him and his friends back at the castle. But, deep down, he wouldn't want to leave Guy in the snow, not to mention the wolves will come back to eat him. He decided to take him back to the castle and continue his vow to stay.

Sam said, "No girls. We can't leave him here with those wolves out there. He saved our lives. We have to help him." He ran to Guy and got down on his knees.

As much the girls hate to admit it, Guy did saved them from the wolves. Rarity pulled out the big blanket from her bag. The Equestria girls bring it to Guy and covered him. Guy opened his eyes a bit. Sam said, "You have to help us. You understand?" Guy nodded and rest his eyes. The team put Guy on one of the horses and they carried him back to the castle.

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