Sam's New Home

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Sam was continuing sobbing as his friends conferred him. When Guy came back, Sam cried, "You didn't let me say goodbye. Now I'll never see him again." Guy felt so bad for what he did. He said, "I'll show you and your friends to your rooms." Sunset asked, "Our rooms? I thought we're..." Guy asked, "You all want to stay in the tower?" The others answered, "No." "Then follow me."

They all followed the beast through the hallway. Guy looked behind him to see Sam shead a tear.

Sly who is hiding whispered to Guy, "Say something to them." Guy said, "I...hope you all like it here. By the way, I didn't get any of your names." Jasmine said, "It's Jasmine." Twilight said, "Twilight Sparkle." Sunset said, "Sunset Shimmer." Rarity said, "I'm Rarity." Rainbow said, "The name is Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said, "I'm Fluttershy." Pinkie said, "Pinkie Pie is my name." Applejack said, "I'm Applejack." Sam said, "And I'm Sam. Sam-I-Am."

Guy said, "Nice to meet you. Anyway, the castle is your home now. You can go anywhere you like. Except the West Wing." Sam asked, "Why? What's in the West..." "It's forbidden!" Guy interrupted. He asked, "So, that's a no?" Guy grunted before continuing walking forward with the others following.

Guy gave the girls each rooms that are next to each other. He showed Sam the next room that is next to Pinkie's. Guy said, "Now, if you need anything, my servents will be there." Sly whispered to Guy, "Dinner. Invite them to dinner." He said, "You and your friends will join me for dinner. That is not a request!"

Guy slammed the door behind Sam. Sam's tears returned from his eyes before ran to his bed and start sobbing.

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