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The others gathered around Guy as the servants ran to the balcony. Sam begged, "Come on, Guy. Please don't die on me!" Fluttershy said, "Oh, he's losing blood. I'm not sure he'll make it." Jasmine said, "He has to, Fluttershy. He just has to."

Guy opened his eyes a little to look at Sam. Guy said, " came back." Sam said, "Of course I came back. And I'm real sorry. I shouldn't got you in danger when I told everyone about you." Sunset said, "Sam, it wasn't your fault. It was Snerz. He's the one who made up those lies about Guy." Rainbow said, "Not to mention that he was forcing you to marry him before they can take Reggie away." Applejack added, "And you proved everyone in the village that your father wasn't crazy." Guy said, "Your friends...are right. You were looking out for everyone you cared about." Sam smiled.

Qwark said, "Everyone, the last petal is about to fall." Everybody looked at the jar and see the last rose petal that is ready to fall. Sly said, "Go on, Master. Tell Sam how you feel." Guy turned to face Sam and said, "Sam? I...I love you." Sam blushed and asked, "Really?" Guy placed his shaking hand on Sam's cheek and said, "Yes... More than anything in the world." He placed his hand on Guy's before leaned in and said, "Oh Guy, I love you too."

Two of them leaned in to each other's faces and pressed their lips against each other. As the last rose petal fall, the magic of the remaining petals floats out of jar and circling around Guy and carried him up. Everyone watched amazed as Guy is transforming. His clawed hands and feet are now normal, his horns and tail are gone, and his sharp teeth and fangs are back to the normal teeth. The magic put Guy down to the ground.

Rainbow Dash asked, "Is he?" Mavis said, "I don't know." Pinkie said to Sam who was walking close to Guy, "Careful, Sam." Then, Guy was getting up. He looked at his hands realizing that he's back to normal before face the others. Everyone stared in shocked.

Jasmine said, "Whoa." Jak said, "Oh my God." Guy turned to face Sam and said, "Sam, it's me." Sam just looked at Guy not really believe that it really is the same Guy he fell in love with. Guy made a narrow eyes face to prove him that it really is him. Sam gasped happily before he jumped in Guy's open arms, wrapped his arms and legs around him, and said, "It really is you! I thought you were going to die! I'm so glad that you're alright! I knew you wouldn't leave your best friend!" Guy chuckled and said, "Believe me. I'm not going anywhere." Sam pulled back to face Guy.

The two of them moved slowly close to each other's faces and pressed each other's lips. Then, the magic circled around the couples before shoots fireworks. The magic sparkled down all over the castle as it back to its formal glory and the rain has stopped. Pinkie said, "Wow! This is incredible!" Jasmine said, "It's wonderful!" Twilight said, "It is magical!" Sunset said, "It's amazing!" Sly said, "It is a miracle!" Guy lifted Sam up and spun him around.

Later in the ballroom, everyone dressed up and danced around. Sam and Guy pressed their lips together before pulled back and started dancing with everyone.

Jasmine sighed happily and said, "I just love happy endings." "And I believe that you own me a dance." Ratchet said before pulled her to the dance floor. Nefarious asked Sunset as he offered her his hand, "Shall we, my lady?" Sunset blushed and said before placed her hand on Nefarious', "Of course." Sunset and Nefarious walked to the dance floor and started dancing.

Sly and Qwark watched most people dance. Qwark asked, "Well Sly, shall we let it be bygone?" Sly said, "Of course. I told you Sam will break the spell." Qwark asked disbelieve, "What? My friend, don't you mean one of the girls? You was hoping one of them will break the spell." He said, "True, but that was after I found out that it has to be Sam." Qwark said, "Yeah right." Rarity asked annoyed, "Will you two knock it off?" Laura said, "Yeah! This is a very special moment!" Sly and Qwark stopped arguing.

Sam asked Guy, "So, how long it takes to grow a nails?" Guy said, "Very funny. I won't be growing nails anytime soon." Sam said smirking, "Mmm-hmm." He was expecting something more from his boyfriend. Guy sighed and added, "And thank you for saving me from the spell I'm in. Thank you, Sam-I-Am." Sam smiled and Guy bowed down before pressed his lips on Sam's fingers and two of them continues dancing.


Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

Sam and Guy slowly stop dancing while looking at each other eyes and pressed their lips to each other. Sam and Guy got married, Sam became a prince and they all lived happily ever after.

The End

The End

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