Defending the Castle

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The mob slowly walked in the hall suspiciously.

"Now!" The mob heard someone shouted and then they all got attacked by the whole castle servants. Snerz saw a angry chickeraffe charging towards him. Snerz used Yes Man as a sheld to protect before ran up the stairs not bother to help the mob.

Back to the I-Am's home, the girls started the machine and it started to move while moving the axe. EB yelled, "Here we go!" The others saw a machine heading towards the storm cellar doors. Rainbow Dash asked, "What's going on out there?" Reggie said before moving his son and the girls out of the way, "Sam, girls, look out!" The machine chopped the door before crashed down the step.

The other seven girls poked their heads out. EB said, "Hi everyone! You've gotta try this thing." Everybody got out. Jasmine said while hugging her best friends, "Oh, you girls rock!" Tirzah said, "Thanks Jasmine. But we don't have time for this. The Master is still in danger." Sam gasped, "That's right! I must get back to the castle and save Guy!" Twilight said, "We're coming with you!" Talwyn said, "Us too! " Laura said, "We got our own horses so you don't have to be worry about us." Pinkie said, "Then what are we waiting for? We've got a Beast to save!" Everyone got on their horses and rode off back to the castle in a hurry.

Back to the castle, all of the servants were fighting the mob. Qwark said, "You'll never get to the Master without getting past us." Murray said, "That's right, Qwark! You mob better leave immediately if you want to be mess with the Murray!" Two mussels men give some of the mob a good punches. "Fire in the hole!" Ratchet yelled before setting off the firecrackers to scared off the mob. The servants cheered. Nefarious yelled, "That's right! Get out of here!" Qwark yelled, "And stay out! If you're planning to mess with our Master, you're messing with the whole castle!" Sly yelled, "If you mess with one of us, you're messing with all of us!"

But unfortunately for everyone in the castle, they didn't know that Snerz is upstairs looking for Guy.

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