The Advice from Seven Girls

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On the next day, it was just Tirzah, Mavis, Laura, Jasmine, Talwyn, Serena, Amy, and Sam sitting in the dining room. They're having green eggs and ham. Well, almost everyone. Sam was just staring at his food. Even moving around his eggs.

Tirzah noticed Sam wasn't eating his food and asked, "Sam? What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" Sam said, "I'm not hungry right now." Jasmine asked, "What? But, you always hungry." He said, "Well, not right now." She asked, "What's wrong, dude? You can tell us." Serena said, "Yes, whatever it is, we can help you." Laura asked, "What's seems to be a problem?" Sam said, "Girls, ever since yesterday, I had a strange feeling towards Guy. Every time I got near him, my heart was thumping really fast. Not as in I'm getting a heart attack. As in different else as in the good way. And I could feel my face was burning whenever he did something really good. What does it all means?"

Amy said, "I'm no love expert, which I could be, but I think that you could be in love." Sam asked blushing, "Me? In love with Guy? No, I can't be." Laura said, "Sam, think about it. He saved you from those wolves, surprised you with the library, and you two were having fun outside the castle and in his inventory room. It's possible that you really liked him a lot more than your friend." Sam looked at his green eggs and ham that is still sitting on the table. Talwyn asked, "Tell us, Sam, do you or do you not have a huge feelings towards the Master?"

Sam was thinking he could deny it, but deep in his heart, he really do loved Guy. He admitted his true feelings.

"You girls are right. I really do love him. More than ever. But, I'm much too afraid. What if he'll rejected my feelings for him." Tirzah said, "You won't know unless you try. And besides, I'm sure he'll accept your feelings." Mavis said, "Yeah, plus, you two will be dancing soon. And I know what you'll be wearing that night." Sam asked, "Like what?" She asked, "Jasmine, remember that golden dress that you pulled out from Sam's wardrobe?" Jasmine said, "Yeah?" Mavis said, "Well, Sam will be wearing that for the dance." Jasmine said, "But, Mavis, he can't wear a dress. It may look cute, but not on Sam." She said, "Hey, once Sam wear that gorgeous dress, you'll forget he can't wear it." Laura said, "But first, we have to ask Rarity and Marinette if they can redesign that dress." Serena said, "The Master will be staring at you wearing the dress all night long." Amy said, "Plus, you have to wait until the right moment, and then, confess him. Can you handle it, Sam?" Sam admitted, "Frighten, nervous, but yeah."

In Sam's room, Marinette and Rarity already finished made a gorgeous dress for Sam. Rarity said, "Ahh, finished. Although, it missing something. Ah, yes. Glitter." She threw some in the air and it fells on the dress.

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