Reggie's Invention

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Sam and Pinkie ran to the garage only got covered by smoke.

Sam coughing and asked, "Dad?" Jasmine who is one of Sam's friends asked while coughing, "Sam, is that you?" He asked, "Jasmine? What happened?" She said, "His invention got a little mess up."

Mr I-Am named Reggie who looks almost like Sam because his fur is green said, "Mess up? It's a lot more than a little." Sam asked his father, "Are you alright?" Reggie said, "Yes son. I can't make it up with this junk." He kicked his machine.

Six more girls ran inside the garage. Twilight asked, "We heard the explosive and saw a smoke. Is everyone alright?" Jasmine said, "Yeah, we're okay." Sunset asked, "Did his invention blew up?" Sam said, "Yep. He getting tired with his creation. But he always say that." Mr I-Am said, "I mean it this time. I'll never get this thing to work!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Sure you will. You'll win it at the fair tomorrow and become the famous inventor." He asked, "You really believe that?" She said, "Of course. You've got supporters right here with you." Reggie said, "Then what are we waiting for? I'll get this thing fix in no time." Reggie got down under his machine and started fixing it.

Applejack noticed Sam was looking upset and asked, "What's wrong, sugercube? Why are you looking so down?" Sam asked, "Guys, do you think I'm odd?" Jasmine asked, "You odd? Why'd you ask that?" He said, "Well, you see, I'm not sure I could fit around here. There is no one around here that I can talk to besides you girls." Reggie asked, "Then, what about Snerz?" Pinkie said, "Speaking of the devil, Snerz came to Sam again." The girls groaned.

They all hated Snerz because he was hitting on Sam with his charms and won't leave him alone.

Rarity asked, "Again?" Sunset asked, "Don't tell me. He was doing the 'Can you go out with me? Are you free tonight?' kind of thing?" Pinkie said, "Yep. He doesn't like to take no for an answer." Sam said, "Not to mention, he's rude, conceited, all kinds of things. Dad, you know he's not for me." Reggie said, "Don't worry, son. This invention will start a new life for us. Okay, cross your fingers, everyone. Let's hope it works."

When Reggie turned on his machinery, everyone braced themselves in case it's going to blow up again. But luckily, it didn't as it worked perfectly.

Twilight said, "It works." Sam said, "You did it. You really did, Dad." Reggie said, "Get the horse ready. I'm off to the fair!"

Later, Sam said as he and his seven friends waving goodbye, "Bye Dad. Good luck. And watch over him, Jasmine." Jasmine said, "Will do." Reggie said, "Goodbye Sam. And take care while I'm gone."

Both Jasmine and Reggie riding on the same horse carrying the invention rode into the woods unknowing what lies out there.

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