Guy vs Snerz

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Snerz found Guy in the West Wing and aim his gun at him. But Guy wouldn't even bother to fight. He just wanted to die so he won't live as a beast. Snerz shot Guy the first time and the second time to knocked Guy out to the balcony while the outside is still raining. Snerz kicked him down the roof and followed down.

"Get up!" Snerz ordered. But Guy wouldn't as he stared with his hopeless eyes. Snerz mocked, "What's the matter, Beast? You poor, poor creature who is too kind and gentle to fight back." Guy didn't reply as he bowed his head waiting for his life to end. Snerz pulled out his sword and walked to him ready to end his life.

"No! Guy!" Guy heard a familiar voice. Could it be? Is it Sam-I-Am?  Guy looked down at the boardwalk brige and see Sam with his father and friends. Guy asked, "Sam?" Sam cried, "No! Snerz, stop! Leave him alone!" As the thunder claps few times, Snerz brought his sword down, but Guy caught it with his two hands. Applejack said, "Stand back, y'all! I'm going to knock down the door!" With a powerful shove, she pushed the doors back. Everyone ran up the stairs hurrying to get to the West Wing to stop the fight.

Up in the roof, Guy and Snerz were fighting in the rain. Guy pounced on Snerz and they rolled down the roof until Snerz kicked Guy off of him.

Snerz said, "So, tell me, I heard that you're in love with him. Do you really think that he really wants you when he should have someone like me?" Guy growled and start swinging his claws while avoiding the sword swings. "It's over, Guy! Sam-I-Am is mine!" Snerz yelled making Guy growled angrily. Guy backhanded him to the wall before grabbed him by his throat and hang him over the ledge. Snerz begged, "No! No! Don't drop me, please! Don't kill me! I'll do anything! Anything!"

As much Guy wanted Snerz to be dead, but Guy is no monster. He doesn't want to end it this way. Guy bring Snerz back to the roof. "Get out. Leave and never return." Snerz nodded his head before Guy drops him.

"Guy!" Sam called from the balcony. Guy looked up and sees Sam with his fourteen girls. He said happily, "Sam." Guy climbed back up to the West Wing balcony. Once he's on the balcony handle, Sam ran to Guy and hugged him. All of the girls smiled at the wonderful reunion. Guy returned the hug and said, "You came back." The two pulled back but still hold on to each other. They leaned in to each other faces, lips are centimeters close...closer...closer...closer...

"Look out!" Fluttershy and Serena shouted. But it was too late when Guy got stabbed in the back and he roared in pain. It was Snerz! He was pretending to be a helpless man so Guy could let his guard down and literally stab him in the back! But when Snerz was ready for a another blow, Guy pushed him from behind causes Snerz to fall backwards, right to his death on the foggy endless ground.

"Oh my God." Jasmine said as she and everyone pulled Guy away from the ledge as his back is bleeding.

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