Lost in the Woods

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Reggie and Jasmine lost their way in the forest to find a way to get to the fair.

Jasmine said, "Reggie, I think we're lost. We should've be at the fair by now." Reggie said, "Maybe we missed a turn." Two of them sees a bunch of direction signs pointing at different locations. Jasmine said, "Let's try that way." "Let's go this way." Reggie said pointing at other path with fog.

Jasmine looked at the fog path and said, "Oh no. We are not going through there. Can we go other way that has less fog?" Reggie said, "Come on, Jasmine, it's a shortcut. We'll be at the fair at no time." Jasmine groaned and forced to go the other path with fog.

During their travel, they heard something running by and heard a howling.

Reggie said, "This can't be right." Jasmine said, "I told you we shouldn't go this way. We better turn around." Then, more howling got the horse spooked and made him run other way. The horse nearly got near the cliff before backing up away from it.

A louder howl really scared off the horse and knocked both Jasmine and Reggie off before ran away.

Reggie got up and helped Jasmine up before they all heard a wolf growl. Reggie said when he saw the whole pack of wolves, "Jasmine, run. Run!" Both he and Jasmine ran away with the wolves behind them.

Jasmine and Reggie found a huge gate. Reggie cried as he tried to pull the gate, "Help! Is someone there? Help!" Jasmine yelled, "Try push it!" The two of them pushed the gate and hurried in before closed it behind them.

Jasmine said, "Whoa, nice castle." Reggie looked too and saw a big castle. Then, came the rain.

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