Meet the Servants

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Later, Sam opened the door a cracked to see if anyone is guarding the door.

"Is anyone out there?" Pinkie asked in whispered. Sam whispered, "No. No one is around." Jasmine whispered, "Good. Let's get out of here." Fluttershy asked as she and her friends walked out the room and walked down the hallway, "But, what about the promise we made?" Rainbow said, "Look, the servants are nice and all, but I don't want to spend my whole life in the castle while that beast treated us like prisoners." Twilight said, "Technically, we are. But you were right about it." Rarity said, "And it's not like he's going to find us in the village. And even if he does, he has to face the whole angry mob."

The others walked down the stairs, but just when they were about to walk to the door, Sam sniffed something good and followed it. Sunset saw him walking to the kitchen and whispered, "Sam! Where are you going? Come back here!" Jasmine groaned, "Ayeee! I can't believe this dude."

In the kitchen, the servants were heating up green eggs and ham. Bentley said, "Well, the chief wasn't happy that we have put away all the food." Michelle said, "But it wasn't his fault. It's been a long night." Qwark said, "But if you ask me, that little man was just being stubborn. I mean, come on, the Master just say please." Amy said, "If the Master doesn't learn to control that temper, he'll never be able to..." Just when Amy was about to finish her sentence, Sam opened the kitchen door and the girls chased after him.

Ratchet sees Jasmine and said, "Jas! You're here!" "Jasmine!" Six girls said happily before they and Ratchet ran to Jasmine and gave her a group hug.

Jasmine said, "Hey guys." Qwark said, "Well, look what the cats drag in." The tall green man sees Sunset and asked, "Ah, welcome my dear. What is your name?" Sunset said, "I'm Sunset Shimmer." He said, "Sunset Shimmer. What a lovely name. I'm Dr Nefarious." Nefarious takes Sunset's hand before bringing it up to his lips and kissed it making her blushed. She said, "Thanks."

Pinkie asked, "Jasmine, are you going to introduce us to your friends?" Jasmine said, "Yeah. Equestria girls, Sam, this is the servants. This is Tirzah Rose, Amy Rose, Mavis the Hedgehog, Serena, Laura, Talwyn Apogee, Ratchet, Clank, Jak, Daxter, Sly, Bentley, Murray, and Qwark. Everyone, this is the Equestria girls. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie. And this is Sam-I-Am." Qwark asked, "And what brings you to our kitchen, my good friends?" Sam said, "Well, I am a bit hungry." Pinkie said, "You know what? So am I." Twilight said, "I guess we all are hungry." Michelle said, "Really? You all hear that? They're hungry."

Qwark reminded, "Um, hello? Haven't we forgot what did the Master say?" Laura said, "Come on, Qwark. We have to feed them. We can't let our friends go hungry." He said, "Fine, alright. Someone go and get some breads and give it to them." Sly said, "Qwark, I'm really upset with you. They're not our prisoners. They're our guests. Come and sit in the dining room. We're having green eggs and ham." Sam said excitement, "Oh boy! My favorite!"

Everyone walked to the dining room. Once they all seated, the other servants placed the green eggs and hams and tofu eggs plates in front of them.

As everyone are eating the food, Sam said, "Say, I didn't know you all liked green eggs and ham." Tirzah said, "Of course we do, Sam. Everybody in the castle loved green eggs and ham. Well, except the Master." Jasmine asked, "Why? Has he tried it?" Ratchet said, "No. He wouldn't try them here or there. He won't even like them anywhere." Sam asked, "How can he be so sure that he doesn't like it if he never actually eating them?" Sly said, "We once asked him that. Plus, no matter what we do, he gets very mad."

Dexter suggested, "Say, after we done eating, how about we show you around the castle? We'll give you a tour." Sunset said, "Uh...well... I'm not so sure." Qwark said, "I agree with Sunset. We can't have them poking around in certain places if you all know what I mean." Sam said, "Then you can tell us everything. We want to know about this castle." He said, "Well, uh... I don't see why not."

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