Guy Let Sam Go

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The two romantic guys sat down on the bench next to each other. As Sam straighten up his dress, Guy asked, "Um, Sam? Are you happy here with me?" Sam said, "Of course, Beast Buddy. I loved it here. Even my friends loved to be here. But..." He asked worried, "But what?" Sam said, "I really wish that I could see my father again. Just a moment. I missed him so much."

Guy thinks of something. Then he said, "You know, there is a way." Sam looked up at Guy and smiled.

Later in the West Wing, Guy showed Sam a magic mirror and said, "This mirror will show you everything. Anything you wish to see." Sam said, "I would like to see my father." The mirror showed Reggie struggling through a cold woods while coughing. Sam gasped before took the mirror, "Dad! Oh no. He's sick. No one is with him and he could be dying!"

Guy looked at the enchanted rose that has at least few petals left. He only had two choices and one of them could cost his own life. So, Guy knew what he has to do.

"Then, you must go to him." Sam looked at his best friend and asked, "What? What do you mean?" Guy said, "I release you and your friends. You all are no longer my prisoners." He asked surprised, "We're free? You're letting us go?" Guy nodded. "Thank you, Guy. Hang on, Dad. We're coming." Sam was about to return the mirror, but Guy pushed it back and said, "Keep it. You'll always have ways to look back and remember me." There was a short pause until Sam hugged Guy and said, "Thank you so much, Guy. You're the bestest friend I could ever have." Guy hugged him back before letting him go.

Sam ran out of the West Wing to find his friends and tell them the news. Qwark entered the room and said, "Well Your Highness, I get a feeling that everything is going so well. I knew you had it in you." Guy didn't looked at him and said, "I let him go." "Oh good. That's amazing. I'm glad you can do it right without any... Wwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaattttt? Why did you do that?" He asked in shocked. Guy said, "I'm sorry, Qwark. It's because...I love him."

"He did what?" Servents asked in shocked after Qwark told them what Guy just did. Qwark said, "Yes, I'm afraid so." EB asked, "Sam is going away?" Gluntz said, "But it can't be! He was so close." McWinkle said, "There is one thing that is a good thing. He's finally learn to love." She said, "That's good! That'll break the spell. " Michelle said, "But it won't be enough. Sam has to love him in return." Ratchet said, "And since he and the girls are going back to the village, it'll be too late." While no one's looking, EB sneaked away to find Sam and the others. Six girls saw her walking away before decided to followed her.

Later after Sam told his friends that they're free and his father is in danger, they got on their horses and rode off as they heard Guy's roar and everything are getting destroyed again in the West Wing.

"Dad? Dad!" Sam calling out. The girls were calling out to Reggie too. "Sam! I found him!" Pinkie called. Sam looked at where Pinkie was pointing at and gasped. "Dad!"

Later, the others carried Reggie back to their old home not knowing that Yes Man was hiding in the snow. "They're back." Yes Man said before ran to the town.

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