The Relationship Begins

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Sam opened the door and see Guy sleeping in his damaged bed. He walked to him and sat down on the chair that was next to the bed. He poured the hot water in a bowl and wet the rag before rinsed it.

Guy woke up and see Sam dapping the rag on his forehead. Sam said, "Hey Guy. Glad that you're awake." Guy said, "Yeah, but don't think you and your friends are off the hook. I'm still going to put you all in the dungeon." Sam said, "You know you scared us. We ran off because you didn't control your temper. Has your family ever tell you not to be mean?" He said, "No, because, my folks died in the ship wreak. They sailed off to see another kingdom, but didn't come back." Sam said, "I'm sorry to hear. Also, you're not the only one who lost one of their families." Guy looked at Sam and asked, "What do you mean?"

Sam said, "I lost my mom when I was a baby." Guy asked, "Really? What happened to her?" He said, "I didn't remember much, but I did remember those bad men attacked my home. My father tried to defend us. But they were strong. All I remembered I heard my mother's scream and my dad got me away. I didn't know what happened to her. We moved to the village. I didn't make any friends there. I mean, at least until I met the Equestria girls and you." Guy asked, "Do you remember anything else about your mother before she died?" He said, "I remembered what my dad told me. He said that she was so beautiful and I almost look just like her." Guy looked at Sam some more. He may not know what Sam's mother looks like, but he can tell by the looks on Sam, she must be that beautiful. Just like her son.

Guy said, "You must be very lucky if anyone will fall in love with you." Sam said while he was cleaning Guy's wound, "Funny. The girls said the same thing. They always have my back. But no one at the village thinks so. They think I'm different from anyone and said that I'm odd. Especially when I loved to read books, they just doesn't think so. So I tried to ignore them. But no matter what I try, I keep hearing whispers behind my back."

Guy felt really bad for Sam. Everybody in the village were treating Sam like an outcast. He knows how Sam feels. Almost like him, Guy was totally alone, even he has his servants. He didn't make any friends before he became a selfish spoiled prince and become a beast.

Guy placed his claw hand on Sam carefully not to scratch him making Sam to looked up at him. Guy asked, "Will you be my first friend?" Sam smiled and said, "Of course. You and I could be best friends." He smiled and said, "I like that."

Sam called, "Hey, Qwark?" Qwark opened the door to poke his head out and asked, "Yes?" He said, "Sorry to be a nug, but my Beast Buddy here needs his room to be clean once he's up and moving. Can the maids do it?" He said, "Of course." Sam said, "Thanks. You're a prince." Guy looked at Sam who was smiling.

He said, "Thank you." Sam said, "No problem. Also, I didn't get a chance to thank you too for saving our lives from the wolves." Guy smiled and said, "Your welcome." Sam started banaging Guy's arm.

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