Enchanted Castle

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Reggie and Jasmine ran to the front door and knocked. The door was crack opened. Two of them got inside and looked around.

"Hello? Hello? Is someone here?" Reggie called. Jasmine said, "I don't like this. It looks like no one lives here." He said, "Someone has to. And besides, we have to stay here for the night." Jasmine asked, "Even if someone lives here, do you think they'll mind that we could crash here?"

"Of course we wouldn't mind. You two are welcome here." Someone said. Reggie asked as he and Jasmine looked around for a voice, "Who's there?" "Right here." Voice said above them. They looked up and saw a raccoon with a blue cap, blue outfit, and a cane. Jasmine said, "Whoa."

A raccoon came down and said, "Welcome, my friends. My name is Sly.  Sly Cooper." "Sly!" Another voice called making Sly groaned. A big man with mussels and wearing a green superhero costume and a space cat with brown stripes on his ears, arms, and tail, wearing a orange shirt and a dark blue pants walked to Sly.

A man said, "What did our master say about having strangers in here?" Sly said, "Qwark, relax. They lost their way and we should help them." A alien cat looked around Jasmine and asked, "Who are you?" Jasmine said, "I'm Jasmine. My friend and I lost our horse and we've got chased by those pack of wolves." He said, "That's terrible. Woods can be dangerous in the night. Anyway, I'm Ratchet. I'm a Lombax." Sly said, "Come my friends, how about get warm up by the fire." Reggie said, "Thank you."

What those two don't know that something is watching them in the dark. And he wasn't very happy to have a strangers in his castle.

In the other room, Reggie and Jasmine sat down by the fire. Six girls entered a room and one of them asked, "Hey big brother, do we have a visitors?" Ratchet said, "Hey Tirzah and yes, we have." The pink hedgehog looked at Jasmine and asked, "Hi there. Where are you from and how do you get here?" Jasmine said, "We got lost in the forest, lost our ride, and got chased by those wolves." She said, "That's awful. Anyway, I'm Amy Rose. Over here are Mavis the Hedgehog, Laura Chase, Serena, Talwyn Apogee, and Tirzah Rose. Ratchet's little sister." Jasmine said, "Hi girls. I'm Jasmine. And this is Reggie-I-Am."

A bird-like creature with a long neck and legs rushed in. Serena said, "It's okay. This is Mr Jenkins. He's friendly." Reggie said, "He sure is a very nice creature." Mr Jenkins licked Reggie and Jasmine who giggled. Qwark said, "Alright, this has gone far enough! Master will not be pleased when he see this." A woman with her daughter came with a tray full with dishes of tea cups and pot. A woman asked, "Would you two like to have a cup of tea?" Reggie said, "Of course. Thank you." Jasmine said, "Me too." Qwark said upsetting, "Michellee, EB, I said no tea!"

Then, something slammed the door open. A wind blew away the fire. Tirzah ran to Ratchet and EB hide behind her mother. EB said, "He's here." A angry creature walked in the room looking around. A Beast said, "There's a strangers in here." Sly said, "M-Master, let me explain. A young gentleman and young lady got lost in the woods and we..." A beast roared at Sly. Qwark said, "Master, allow me to say. I was doing my job and it was all their fault and they wouldn't listen to me..." The beast roared at Qwark too.

A Beast growled asked Reggie, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Reggie said afraid, "I got lost in the woods and..." "You are not welcome here!" He roared. Mr I-Am said, "I'm sorry." He looked behind the creature and saw Jasmine going around the beast. She's going to get away from the thing so she can get help.

The creature asked, "What are you staring at?" Reggie lied, "N-nothing." He said, "I get it now. You've come to take a good look at the beast! Have you?" Reggie said, "No, please! I mean you no harm! I just need a place to stay!" The creature said, "I'll give you a place to stay!" He then saw Jasmine trying to escape. Jasmine looked to see a beast noticed her before ran out.

Reggie yelled, "Run, Jasmine! Run! Go get help!" Jasmine ran out of the castle and ran to the gate while the outside is still raining. Jasmine opened the gate and she heard the front door slam opened. She looked back and saw a angry beast outside. In a flash of thunder, she gets to see a creature in the light. His fur is light orange, has a fur neck, have a scowl lines on his face, have a tail, his dark brown hat is creaked, have a two horns on his head, and got a scary fangs. Jasmine screamed and ran out with a thing behind her.

Jasmine ran through the forest while avoiding the Beast. The Beast nearly got Jasmine, only got a huge scratch on her side of her shirt. Jasmine saw a horse running by before she jumped on the horse's back and rode away as fast she can go.

Luckily, the Beast didn't continue to chase after her. He returned to the castle and going to throw Reggie in the dungeon.

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