Kill the Beast

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Everybody gasped at the image of Guy-Am-I-Beast from the mirror as Sam is coming down the stairs showing them Guy.

Rarity said, "Here's your proof!" Fluttershy asked, "Now do you believe that Reggie is telling the truth?" "Is it dangerous?" Twilight said, "No, he's not dangerous. He's very harmless." Sam said, "I know Guy looks very mean, but he's very kind and gentle. He's my bestest friend in the whole wide world." Pinkie whispered to Rainbow Dash, "Or more than bestest friend. Did you see how very close those two are?"

Snerz noticed the look on Sam's eyes as Sam looking at Guy like he was in love. Snerz called out, "Did you hear what he just said? If I didn't know better, I believe that monster puts a spell on him and his friends!" Sunset asked in shocked, "What?" Jasmine yelled, "Liar, liar, flurz on fire! He would never do or done that!" Sam said, "Yeah! And Guy is not a monster! You are, Snerz!" Snerz yelled, "He is crazier than the old man! The beast will make off with your children!" The crowd gasped. "He'll come after them in the night!" Twilight yelled, "No!" He said he before snatched the magic mirror from Sam's hands, "We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the beast!" The people shouted in agreement.

Man #1:

We're not safe until he's dead

Man #2:

He'll come stalking us at night


Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite

Man #3:

He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free


So it's time to take some action, boys

It's time to follow me

Through the mist

Through the woods

Through the darkness and the shadows

It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride

Say a prayer

Then we're there

At the drawbridge of a castle

And there's something truly terrible inside

It's a beast

He's got fangs

Razor sharp ones

Massive paws

Killer claws for the feast

Hear him roar

See him foam

But we're not coming home till he's dead

Good and dead

Kill the Beast!

Sam-I-Am and the Beast-Am-IWhere stories live. Discover now