Guy's Surprise

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Guy, Sly, and Qwark watched fourteen girls and Sam having fun with Mr Jenkins. Pucca was running in the snow and ran to Sam before jumped in his arms.

Guy stared at Sam realizing that he could be in love with him and said, "I never thought I'd have feelings for him. I will do something for him. But what?" Qwark said, "Not sure. Maybe flowers and chocolates?" Sly said, "What? No, Qwark. It has to be very special. Something that he'll love. Wait a minute. I got it!"

Later, Guy takes Sam down the different hallway. Sam asked, "Okay, Guy. What is it that you have to show me?" Guy said, "I can't tell you. If I did, it won't be a surprise." He asked, "What's so surprisingly about this...? Oh! Another door? I never seen this door during the tour." Guy said, "Then, it's a good thing too." Guy opened the door and let Sam go in first. Sam looked around the dark room and said, "It's kinda dark in here." He said, "It has been powered by a pinwheels. Don't worry, it won't go back to the dark when they stops going. Just stay right here."

Sam stand there as he watched Guy walked to one of the pinwheels and blow it. The pinwheel started to moved by Guy's wind and all of the pinwheels started to work. All of the curtains moved back to let the lights in. Sam gasped amazed at what he witnessed. There are so many books around him. He's inside the library.

Sam said, "I must be in heaven. I never seen so many books in all of my life." Guy said, "If you really like it so much, you can have it. Because all of this is yours." Little man gasped happily before jumped in Guy's arms, hugging him, and said, "Thank you Guy! I love it so much! You're the greatest bestest friend I could ever want." Guy smiled and said while hugging Sam back, "You are welcome, Sam." Twilight said as she, her friends, and servants were watching the two, "He's not the only one who loves the library too." Jasmine asked, "Sam wouldn't mind if we can be in the library too. Right?" Sunset said, "Of course he wouldn't mind." Sly said, "I knew it'll work." EB asked, "What'll work? Why I didn't see anything?" Michelle said, "It's nothing, EB. Now, come on a long. There's chores to be done in the kitchen." She asked as the servants walked to the kitchen, "But what is everyone talking about? You can tell me. Come on, Mom."

Later in the another dining room, the waiters placed the plates of green eggs and ham soups and oatmush in front of Sam, Guy, and the girls. Sam and his friends were enjoying eating a soup until they saw Guy eating his oatmush like a wild animal. They all looked at each other awkward.

Jasmine who was next to Guy put her spoon down and passed her bowl to him. Sam knows what she was doing and said, "You know, Guy, green eggs and ham are really good at anywhere. You should try it." Guy looked at the soup before picked up his own spoon. After seeing Rarity showing Guy how to use the spoon property, he scoop the spoon full of soup. He closed his eyes and taste the soup. The others waited for his reaction.

Guy then smiled and said, "Mmm! Say, I like green eggs and ham. I do. I like them, Sam-I-Am!" He called a waiter to bring the green eggs and ham soup as the girls smiled and Sam smiling even wider. Like he's starting to fall in love with a beast.

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