Sam and Equestria Girls meet Guy/Sam's Choice

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The team saw a door opening by itself. Fluttershy asked, "Did you seen the door opened by itself before while you and Reggie were staying here before, Jasmine?" Jasmine said, "I don't think so. Someone is there. I just hope that it's not that thing." They walked to the opened door and saw someone went upstairs.

Sam called, "Hey, wait! Excuse me! My friends and I are looking for my father and I was wondering if you seen him." But as soon they reached the top of the stairs, no one is around. Twilight asked, "That's odd. Where did they go?" Sunset said, "They went this way, so they couldn't gone far."

Unknown to the girls and Sam, Sly was sitting on the top of the statue above their heads. Sam called, "Hello? Is anyone here?" "Sam?" The familiar voice asked from behind the door with bars at the bottom. Applejack asked, "Is that who I think it is?" Rarity gasped, "It is! It's Reggie!" Sam said, "Dad! Oh, thank goodness!"

The others rushed to the dungeon door where Reggie is behind it. Reggie asked, "How did you find me?" Sunset said, "Jasmine got to us and told us where you are." Sam touched his father's fur hand and said, "Oh no. Your hands are like ice. We have to get you out of here." Twilight said, "But we need those keys. Not even my magic can unlock this." Sunset asked, "Reggie, who did this to you and where can we find the keys?" Jasmine looked behind her and said, "How about we leave right now?" Reggie said, "Jasmine is right. Listen, son, you have to get your friends out here!" Sam said, "No, Dad. I'm not leaving you."

"What are you doing here?" The creature asked and grabbed Sam from behind. Jasmine screamed, "It's that thing again! That's the one who attacked us!" Pinkie asked, "Who are you?" The Beast said, "I am Guy-Am-I. The master of this castle." Sam commented in whispered, "That's a weird name." Jasmine said, "Well, don't say it out loud. He has a nasty temper."

He said bravery, "We have come for my father. Can't you see he's sick? You've got to let him out." Guy said, "Well, he shouldn't have trespass here! Same thing goes to one of your friends." Sam said, "But, he could die. Please let him go. I'll do anything. Anything you want." Guy said, "There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner. And your friend can join him." Jasmine said, "I am so in trouble right now."

Sam bit his bottom lip. If the Beast won't let his father go, then, there is one other way. "Hold on. If you're going to take my friend, then, take me. And let me take my father's place." Girls yelled in shocked, "What!? " Guy asked, "Wait, you mean you'll take his place?" Jasmine asked, "What? Dude, no! Do you have any idea what you were doing?" Sam ignored her and asked, "If I agree, will you let him go?" Guy said, "Yes, but under one condition. You and all of your eight friends must promise that you'll stay here forever." He said, "Come to the light." Guy hesitated at first, but he stepped in the light to revealed his true self. Sam and eight girls gasped.

"Oh, catch me, Applejack." Rarity said before fainted. Reggie begged, "No! Please! I won't let you and your friends do this!"

Sam looked straight to Guy's eyes. As much Sam loved his father, he couldn't bare to watch him die here. So, he made his choice.

" have our word." Sam said holding up his tears. "Done!" Guy said before unlocked the door and took Reggie away without letting him say goodbye to his son. As soon the walking carriage was taking Reggie back to the village, Sam watched his father leaves from the window and sobbed.

When Guy came back up to the tower, Sly climbed down and suggested, "Um, Master? Since the man and his friends are going to be here for a while, I was wondering you could offer them to be more comfortable in their rooms." Guy just growled at him and walked to the dungeon. "Then again, maybe not."

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