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"I want you guys to enjoy this too, without having to worry about if you can talk or being accidently in the frame. Plus, it's going to be super annoying to try and edit this, if we have to take you guys out of every single thing that you might accidentally be in. So, I was thinking. You guys are obviously fans, and you have fan pages, so if you're seen on our video, then people will recognize you, right?" Denise and I both nodded. "What are you getting at Sam?" Colby asked impatiently. Sam held his hand up to him, telling him to be patient. "So, what if you guys get on your fan pages tomorrow and let everyone know that you're going to Savannah for a short vacation, to visit family or whatever. Later, you can post a couple of stories with us in them, showing that you came across us accidentally. We'll say in the video that a couple of fans offered to show us around and we invited you to come to the cemetery with us." He shrugged, and held his hands out. "What do ya think?" He asked Colby. Colby rubbed his chin thoughtfully, looking at Sam, before glancing at me. "Yeah, that would work actually. I like it. You guys down?" He asked, looking from Denise to me. I nodded with a smile. "Hell yes, because it was going to be way too hard to stay quiet," I exclaimed, excited that we were going to actually be able to be in the video. "Oh thank God, because when something scary happens, like I know that it will, there's no way that I won't scream," Denise replied, stepping a little closer to Corey. He put his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm gonna scream too, don't worry," he said, shrugging a little. "Okay, great," Sam replied. "But let's remember that there are no couples here. Just fans. Think you guys can handle that?" He looked at Colby and I. I took a step away from him and nodded. Colby rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yeah sure. I'm used to being single." I bit my lip and looked down at the ground, feeling the sudden tears try to well up in my eyes. He's used to being single because he's been single this entire time. While I had been pining away for him, he had been going out, partying with other girls, plastering them all on his story...but still calling me. Still keeping me on the backburner. If I didn't mean anything, then why make this trip? Why tell me that he planned this entire thing around me? Was it just so that I wouldn't lose interest? Like that was even possible. I truly believed that Colby would always be my true love, but I had no idea if he actually loved me. I felt like he cared about me. No, that wasn't right. I KNEW that he cared about me...but I didn't know if it went any further than that, and that broke my heart. I sniffed and cleared my throat, making sure that I was okay, before lifting my head again. No one had even noticed that I had almost had a breakdown. Good. Really wasn't up to explaining what it was about in the middle of a haunted cemetery. "Okay, start filming and lets do this," Sam said, clapping his hands together. Colby turned the camera back on and got Sam in the viewfinder. "People say that they aren't sure how many people are up for staying the night or even visiting at night, since this is on the top ten list of haunted places in Savannah, Georgia." He held his hands out, palms up. "But here we are. And we brought guests!" He motioned for Denise and I to come up next to him. We did, me a little more nervous than her. I tried to finger brush my hair quickly, and prayed that my makeup hadn't streaked or been sweated off in the humidity. "This is Terra and Denise. These girls are big fans of our videos and happened to see us at the little bed and breakfast where we're staying. They offered to show us around the Savannah area so we took them up on it. What better way to show our gratitude than to bring them along and let them be terrified with us? Ready, ladies?" He asked, looking from me to Denise. "Hell yea," I replied, pumping my fist in the air with a smile. Denise shook her head, her eyes wide. "No, not really...but if I must," she replied before swallowing hard and looking around the graveyard. "Okay, a little more history on the place before we get started, but let's walk and talk," Sam said, motioning Colby and the rest of us to follow along. "There are many spirits that are said to haunt here, but one of the most well known is a little girl known as 'Little Gracie' who is said to be inhabiting a lifelike statue that marks her grave. People often leave gifts for the little girl and apparently if they are cleared away the statue cries tears of blood," he continued. "Oh please tell me we are NOT looking for her grave," Corey said. "That's what you're doing, isn't it Sam? It cried blood?! Seriously?! Bro, whyyyyy? Why do you guys do these things?" Colby laughed, making the camera shake as he took in Corey's frightened expression. "Because it's fun brother," he said. "Yeah, sure. Fun," Corey replied, shaking his head. "And for the views man. The fans love it and so do we. It's what we do," Sam added. "We will be seeing if we can find Little Gracie's grave, and we'll see if we can clear away anything that may have been left for her." He shrugged. "We might see the statue cry blood." "Coool," Jake drawled out, a smile forming on his face. He had been kind of quiet, and I wasn't really used to that. We branched off of the sidewalk, going in between the graves, checking the names on the ones with statues. 

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