Chapter 12 - Deep Findings

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About 30 minutes later from David's surprise introduction into the dating aspect of two gay men, David is sitting at a desk 7 feet away from a chalkboard. Louis is standing next to the chalkboard, chalk in hand, and writes "Know your interest". Louis looks at David and says

"David, can you tell me what I just wrote?" David looks at the board and says

"Know your interest." Louis nods and asks

"Do you know what that means?" David thought for a moment and replied unsure

"I have to know the likes and dislikes of my crush?" Louis shrugs his shoulders and says

"You're close, but you must also know how to act around them. Tell me, who is it you're interested in?" David looks down for a moment and then back at Louis to speak with a semi nervous tone

"I think I like Legosi." Louis raises an eyebrow in surprise, but remains serious as he says

"Ok, do you know what Legosi likes? His dislikes?" David puts his hand on his chin and thinks to himself before saying

"I know Legosi definitely likes bugs, egg sandwiches, and weather reports. I never really got to know his dislikes, mainly because I never tried to, he's just very nice..." David gets lost in thought as he talks "And soft... and cute... and-" Louis coughs to get David's attention, which gets David to snap out of his thoughts and say "Oh, sorry. I don't often do that." Louis gives a doubtful look, but then continues with the lesson as he says

"So you know a few of his likes and your own reasons why you like him, but what is your real reason? What event transpired that caused you to feel this way for him?" David looks down again as he thinks to himself, but then he speaks without looking back up

"I think... it was back in last summer. The very first time I could ever have a sleepover was going to be with him. I was very excited, but for some reason, a bit nervous. I guess it was because I would be sleeping somewhere else I had no familiarity with. Nevertheless, we both had a good time. We both played board games, watched a couple movies, ate our favorite foods, it was really nice. Then the night came, it was time to go to bed, and we faced a problem. Legosi had no air mattress or sleeping bags prepared. I mean, his bed was a 2 person mattress, but still, I think we both felt like it was going to be awkward. To my surprise, it wasn't so bad. In fact, I think the closer our backs were to each other, the more I felt like wanting to be closer to Legosi. That's when the feeling arrived." Louis had his hand on his chin most of the story, mainly because he didn't think David could be this emotional about it, but then he puts his hand down and says

"That's very interesting, David. Maybe you're not as clueless as I thought you were." Louis erases the board, but as he is, David asks

"So... how long will this whole coarse take? A few weeks?" Louis stopped mid erase, thought for a moment, and then resumed erasing as he said

"Two months." David was surprised and he clenched his desk as he exclaims

"Two months?! There's that much to cover?!" As soon as Louis was done erasing, he faced David to say

"With the drama club schedule, it will be. I'm only helping you because you'll find no one better. If you think you can, then be my guest and stop wasting my time." David looks down in thought, Louis was really his only best option, so he sat back in his seat and asked

"What's next, Mr. Louis?" He called Louis by 'Mr.' to be comedic, which Louis didn't mind surprisingly. Louis sets the blackboard aside and stands 4 feet away from David to say

"Next, I'm going to teach you how to dance." David stands up and says with a confused tone

"To dance?" Louis nods and says

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