Chapter 17 - Uncertainty

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"So what brings you by to the garden club, Louis?" Louis doesn't look unnerved by the fact that David was in Haru's shed, despite the fact he was going to have sex with Haru. Louis may look calm on the outside, but he was actually worried David would find out his real purpose for visiting. Louis says

"I could ask the same thing to you." David doesn't hesitate to answer

"I was looking for you! I figured Haru knew because she knew pretty much every boy in school!" David spoke with a clueless smile and it made Louis feel uneasy, but he urgently cuts off David's train of thought

"I see..." Louis then turns around to leave, but when David notices, he looks back at Haru and say

"Uh, I'll see you later, Haru! Stay safe!" David opens the glass door and closes it behind him. Haru was left to say

"See ya." Haru wasn't so much bothered by David's sudden entrance, but by the fact that Louis wouldn't stay after David would've left soon anyway. David doesn't realize that Louis and Haru have been seeing each other for over a year, and Haru has grown feelings for Louis, but she's afraid Louis doesn't feel the same way. Meanwhile, David catches up with Louis at the stairs and asks

"I got two questions, you mind if I ask?" Louis doesn't hesitate or even look at David when he says

"Yes." David doesn't pay attention to what Louis said and asks his questions anyways

"First, erm, why were you going to see Haru?" Louis sighs by the fact that David refuses to leave Louis alone, but he answers anyway

"Because the gardening club is participating in the festival, just like us. It's my duty as a third year to make sure everything is in order." David raises an eyebrow, he wouldn't figure Louis for being the one that does the duties of a backstage crew member, he says

"Were you just given some free time? Any other member could've just done it for you." Louis looks to his left, away from David as the two of them reach the bottom of the stairs, and says

"Yes, free time. There's another meeting today and I just wanted to make sure the gardening club had no problems. Simply just popping in and then going to the meeting." David puts his hand on his chin, Louis explained a lot more than he needed to, and it made David ask

"Isn't the meeting three hours from now?" Louis just realized what he said, he didn't break his composure, but his eyes widened as he looked away from David. David continues "I don't know what you'd need to spend two or three hours in her shed for if you're just checking for a status update." Louis did his best to not show his nerves as he turned around to face David and changed the subject

"Well, I'd like to ask you this now: how do you know Haru?" David didn't think the thought mattered much to Louis, but he answered anyway

"Oh, I don't exactly remember when, but I'm thinking it was when... hmm..." David puts his hand on his chin, leaving Louis to cross his arms impatiently. After a couple seconds, David says "Oh, right! We met when I went to find Legosi! I found out he was at the gardening club, so I went up there. I found Legosi, but Haru and I talked for a bit, I forget what about, but she offered to share beds." That last sentence made Louis raise his eyebrows in slight surprise, but went down as David went on "I turned down the offer since I don't think a small animal bed would be the best fit for me." Louis stares at David for a few seconds before saying

"I see." Then Louis walks away, making David feel dumbfounded as he walks back up next to him and say

"Hey! Where you going?" Louis still didn't look in David's direction as he said

"You asked your questions, now I have other matters to attend to." Louis walks a little faster, but David persists, and says

"That wasn't the real question I wanted to ask!" Louis stops shortly after David speaks. David makes sure to be in front of Louis, he didn't want Louis walking past him. David asks

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