Chapter 4 - Taking Drama

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Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. - (Wayne Huizenga)

David gets up and does his usual routine, but he felt peppier than usual. Tonight was his first meeting with the drama club. Durham couldn't help but notice David acting this way

"You seem excited. Got something today?"

"Mhm! I'm going to the drama club tonight! If I had a tail, I'd probably be wagging it right now!"

Legosi heard what David said and went up to him

"You're going tonight? What do you plan to do?"

David stopped in place to think

"Whatever they need me for, I guess. What do they have you do?"

Legosi scratches his head

"Mostly crew work, but I'm used as an extra if they need me to be."

"Like a background character?" David wondered

"Eh, yeah, somewhat of a background character. Sometimes I get beat by the good guy."

David wondered why Legosi would be placed as a bad guy role, he didn't look intimidating, at least not to David. A few minutes later, the roommates went out to have breakfast, but when they got to the cafeteria, they could see a majority of the students had the school newspaper. Jack went to go pay for one to show his friends.

"Wow! Look at this David! You made front page!"

Jack shows David, the headline above David's smiling face said "Meet David! A personal interview!" Then the rest of the article went on about what David said to the questions he was asked, except the writer of the article thought to include their thoughts on David and extended meanings behind David's answers, mainly just for filler.

"Wow. They really wrote this much about me?" David wondered.

Meanwhile, a familiar face is reading the paper while eating breakfast, it was the pit bull from the previous day with medical tape on his nose.

"They really wrote this much about that weirdo?" He said

"Calm down, Butch." Said his wolverine friend "Isn't losing to the guy enough? No need to get all salty about it."

"First of all, Arin, I'm salty because you told our friends what happened. Second, how can I be calm when a guy like him shows up out of nowhere and is getting all this good stuff right off the bat?"

Arin shrugs "Maybe because he's nice? I mean, look at this,"Arin points at a line said on the newspaper "do you really think a guy like this, who is unbiased about being either a carnivore or a herbivore, could really be plotting something?"

Butch shoves the newspaper away "It's suspicious! He's a monster and I'm gonna prove it."

Arin raises a concerned eyebrow "How?"

Butch grabs the milk he has for his breakfast and starts walking towards David. David gets up to throw his trash away, unaware that Butch is closing in on him. Just as David is turning around after having his tray cleaned off, Butch goes to splash milk on David, but David's instincts kick in as soon as he recognizes Butch and David dodges the milk, which leaves Butch open for a counter, so David pushes Butch. Where David pushed Butch was unintended, as this was based off instinct, but Butch slid under and near a female Husky's skirt, she screamed and dropped her tray

"AAAAH! Pervert!!"

The dropped tray landed on Butch's face and he got milk and eggs put on his face. The students in the cafeteria look over at Butch and saw him get up with trash on his face and laughed at him for being a pervert. Mostly everyone laughed, but people like David, Legosi, Jack, and Louis didn't laugh. Butch looked over at David angrily and stormed out of the cafeteria. Meanwhile, Arin just shakes his head and says

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