Chapter 13 - Coma

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It was dark, David couldn't feel a thing, he lost track of time after he regained inner consciousness, but he wasn't awake. David could hear and feel and what he felt was like a bed, but it sounded like it was rolling, being pushed. To his left, a female spoke, presumably a nurse since she said

"When did you say you found him?" What sounded like Jack was on David's right and he said

"Well, it was around 7 in the morning. My roommates noticed he didn't return and we all went out looking for him." David thought to himself

"J... Jack? Roommates...?" David tried to concentrate "They were... Collot... Durham... Voss... Wait, how many more were there...?" David didn't realize it, but he couldn't remember Miguno and Legosi. David continued to think to himself, he knew something is wrong, he should remember more "Ok... I'm David... I'm from... an island...? I lost... one of my parents...? I was raised by a... Red deer named... Harold...? Uhh... skip over a few years... I'm a student at Cherryton... and my best friends are uhh... a wolf... a rabbit... and another red deer? Then... everything else is blurry... mostly gaps... I can't even remember what I did last night...!" David then starts to lose consciousness again, but before that, he thinks to himself "It feels like I have... something coming out of my face..."

More time passes, but David doesn't realize it's been three days later. He feels that he's in a different bed and judging by the sound, in a different room. David's face felt sore, like he has had surgery on his left cheek, but he doesn't feel like he has a leakage in his head. Physically, he's better, but David still can't wake up. He heard some people walk into his room, one voice says

"Here he is." David assumed that was the doctor, considering it sounded like he would know who David is. Another voice says

"Oh my... is he going to have scars...?" There was a momentary silence, then the doctor said

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Mason." David heard one set of foot prints walk closer towards him and stopped by the end of the bed as the doctor from the other side of the room said "We were lucky to have found him in time. If his friend, Jack, didn't find him sooner, David might've bled out." David then heard Mr. Mason sigh out of disbelief, then he heard him say

"How long will he remain in the coma?" The doctor was silent again and then said

"If our estimates are correct, and due to the blood loss and head trauma, about 2-6 months. Anything past 6, we fear he may just be a vegetable." There was silence once more, but then Mr. Mason said

"Could... could I have a moment alone...?" The doctor never said he may, but David assumed he must've nodded and left the room when he heard a door close a couple seconds later. Mr. Mason spoke again, he sounded dreadful

"Hello, David. I don't know if you can hear me, but it's me, Henry." David remembers Henry's name properly, he continued to listen "I'm... not sure what to say... I mean... you must be so afraid... you cannot tell what is going on... I'm not even sure if you remember your own name..." David thought to himself

"But I do! I do remember my name! ... Did I have a last name though...?" Henry continues to talk with the same tone

"I don't know what happened to lead you here, but... I only hope we can talk again someday..." David would've liked to hear Henry continue talking, but then he started losing consciousness again. David then saw himself in a void, he was floating. He looked around and called out

"Hello? Hello hello?!" All that could be heard was echoes. David looked around, but no matter how hard he tried to see, there was nothing. Then suddenly, David was falling. David was yelling in fear, he had no idea what was happening, he didn't know how long he was falling. After a few seconds, David lands on his back after falling for a long time. He felt no pain, but he was slow getting up, he made a dent into the ground. As soon as he stood up, David looked around once more and saw that he was on a gray land and the horizon was still the black void. David looked around more until, as soon as he turned around behind him, he was startled by three figures of different colors. David was startled and almost fell over, but then he got a good look at them. The three figures looked just like David, but from head to toe, they were different colors. On the left, the figure was blue, the figure in the middle was yellow, and the figure on the right was red. The blue looked insecure, the yellow was smiling, and the red looked like he didn't want to be here.

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