Chapter 2 - The New Life

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The sun felt amazing onto David's skin, like the warm embrace of his family, he missed the sun. A limo was parked in the front entrance for David. Where he was about to go, Henry couldn't follow, so David turned around and gave Henry one last hug, he says

"Goodbye, Mr. Mason. I'll be sure to visit when I get the chance."

"And I hope you enjoy your new school. Heh, for once, it won't be me lecturing you."

Henry and David laugh a bit as they stopped hugging. David turned back towards the limo and the German Shepherd guard assigned to deliver David to the Cherryton school opened the car door for David. When David sat down in the limo, the door closed and the guard made his way to the driver seat; secretly, the guard was actually freaking out driving something he thinks as a big deal, but he keeps his composure. As the guard begins to drive David away, David looks back at the capital. Leaving the underground facility reminded him a lot of leaving his island, but didn't cry, for it only felt like he was leaving one family member instead of two.

Before David's first day of school at the Cherryton private school, Headmaster Gon, a Siberian Tiger, is in his office sorting papers, when then his secretary knocks on his door.

"Come in." He said.

Gon's goat secretary entered Gon's office

"Headmaster Gon, you received a student admission form from the capital."

Gon raised an eyebrow "The capital? What teenager could live there and want to be part of our school?"

The secretary hands Gon the letter and he rips a slit open with one of his claws.

"Thank you, Ms. Rowe. You may continue your duties."

Secretary Rowe bows before leaving the office, she of course closes the door. Gon takes the contents of the letter, placing his thumb over a photo attached to the paper with a paper clip. Gon murmured the contents aloud

"Name... David... Age 16... DOB May 4th question mark...?"

Gon raises an eyebrow in curiosity as to why David's birthday was marked with a question mark, hinting at whoever wrote the form doesn't know David's real birthday. Gon continues reading

"Omnivora... Hominidae... Ape..."

After Gon read "Ape", he looked at his thumb and noticed he was covering David's photo. As Gon moved his thumb, he took a sip from his coffee, but as soon as he saw that David was human, he spat his coffee at his computer monitor and looked right back at David's photo in shock.

"What?! That?! An ape?!"

Gon could feel there was a second letter behind the admission form, he pulls it out, and begins to read. It says:

"Hello, Headmaster Gon. It is my task to inform you that you will be having a new student admitted to your school. This student isn't like most animals, as you may have already noticed. It has been proven that David truly does relate to other apes in terms of genetics. However, we are unsure of his origin, what location he originated from, etc. Starting tomorrow morning, 9 AM, David will arrive at your school and we ask that you don't look at him as a "freak", but the first evolved ape to be attending your school. Signed, Mayor Raion."

Gon sets the letter down and processes the information in his head before calling his secretary

"Ms. Rowe, please move my dentist appointment to 10 AM."

Secretary Rowe does so and Gon begins to make preparations for a new student.

Back to present day, the limo driving David to the Cherryton private school can already be seen by other students. Most males think it's just another rich guy, most girls are fantasizing how handsome the new student must be, and all others could care less. When the limo parked at the front of the school, Gon waited in front of the steps while there were a few reporters and photographers behind barricades to not get too close to David. David's guard opens the limo door for David and he steps out. The reporters and photographers were just as surprised as the students inside the school, where most of the students could see David. A mixture of "What the's?!" and "Incredible's!" was what everyone who could see David was saying. The flashing lights of the cameras blinded David somewhat, he found it annoying, but kept walking towards Gon, who reached out a hand

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