Chapter 19 - Who, when, and where

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The next day has David in the restroom during the early morning. David borrowed some flowers from the gardening club, but he didn't see Haru to explain his need for them. Despite not remembering much about Tem, he still felt sad to have lost a friend like him. He noticed there was less and less flowers being placed in front of the classroom door where Tem died. David feared Tem was being forgotten, and he knew just how awful that was, being the last human. His business in the bathroom was to psyche himself up in front of the mirror. He exits the bathroom and thinks to himself as he walks

"You're gone, but not forgotten, Tem. No matter how hard my memories tried to run away, I have remembered you. Sometimes, I look up at the moon and think of my family, I feel like they're there, on the moon. I now see you up there, too, and I hope you're proud of me doing what I can for you." Just as David was approaching, he sees Louis walking towards Tem's memorial. David didn't say anything, he wanted to watch what Louis was doing. Louis gets down to one knee when he stands in front of the memorial and place a bouquet of flowers. Louis's flowers and one other stranger's were the only flowers placed. To the left of David was Legosi in the hall next to David. Once Legosi saw David, he said

"David?" Hearing his name has David look in that direction, Legosi continues "Oh, I didn't expect to see you here." David approaches Legosi and says

"Neither did I. We could've walked together." David put his hand on his chin and then said "Although, I did wake up earlier than you." Legosi sniffed the air and looked at David with a raised eyebrow

"Louis is here?" Legosi then puts his hand on his chin, remembering the argument David and Louis had the other day "Should we wait? I understand if you do, I wouldn't want to meet with him." David had a concerned look on his face as he looks to the hall he was in

"I don't know. He's just troubled. I'm not even sure if he knows I'm trying to help him." Legosi smells the air again and looked confused

"It seems like... someone else is here." David and Legosi then poke their heads out of the hall they're in to see a male leopard student in a different hallway, poking his head out to see Louis. David's expression changes to surprised when he figures out the leopard's intentions and whispers

"That guy is going to attack Louis." Legosi had the same face when he figured the leopard out as well

"Shoot, he is. What do you want to do?" David thought for a moment and then looked at Legosi to say

"Ok, we quickly, but quietly rush him. You go for his legs and I'll put him in a choke hold, we carry him away as quiet as possible." Legosi nods and the two of them ready themselves to run. Just as the leopard student was stepping out to attack Louis, David and Legosi quietly rush behind him. David wraps his arm around the leopard's neck, causing him to be unable to speak or yell, then Legosi grabs the leopard's legs and carry the leopard away. Louis looks behind himself, but sees no one, so he shakes the thought of someone watching him. Meanwhile, David and Legosi carry the leopard far enough away, so David lets go of the leopard's neck to slam him to the floor by pushing his chest down. Legosi drops the legs and David puts his foot on the chest of the leopard. The leopard started feeling afraid, seeing as he's being pinned by something he doesn't understand. Legosi felt unsure of what David was trying to do, he only knew David was serious. David's tone sounded intimidating when spoke

"Why were you going to attack Louis?" The leopard tries to get David's foot off him, but has no luck, which has him say

"Argh! Shit! When did Louis get body guards?!" David stomps his foot on the leopard, causing the leopard to cough out of pain as David says

"I won't repeat myself." Legosi grows worried, he never seen David this aggressive since David and Bill fought. The leopard student took a deep breath to speak and said

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