Chapter 1 - David's beginning

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At the beginning, there was life on an island, but not any sort of life that is average beyond the ocean. On this island lived a tribe of humans, one of the few left anyway, and life was peaceful. They had their own language, their own trade, and one leader to govern them all. If you could see, they were well evolved to be Homo sapiens. It was almost dusk and everyone expected another calm night, for they didn't have any enemies. The whole tribe seemed to be getting ready to celebrate for the full moon, they didn't believe in astronomy or any sort of science, so they thought to appease their god they called "Frakk Tu", meaning "Wolf beast" in their language, in a feast in his honor. One boy in particular was currently gathering sticks for tonight's camp fire. He wasn't popular among the other children, but everyone knew who he was, the son of the tribe general. After the son gathered the sticks, he smelled smoke in the distance. He panicked, for he feared the celebration has already started without him, but as he got closer back to the tribe, he felt concern. The boy felt like his tribe wasn't screaming with joy, but terror. He looked up as night closed in and above the trees was a bright glow where the smoke was coming, it couldn't be the campfire. The boy dropped the sticks to pump his arms and move faster, he doesn't know what is happening but he wanted to see his parents. As soon as he arrives, it was chaos. Huts were on fire, friends of his were either running or dead already, but he was still lost as to why. As the boy walked along the path between two tents, a woman fell out and a strange creature he has never seen before bearing resemblance of that to a grizzly bear got on top of the woman and dug its claws into the woman's neck. It sounded like a rigid male as it said

"Pipe down, bitch!"

The boy was horrified, but then grabbed away. He panicked but then he soon realized it was his mother, he held her close while he was in her arms. The mother runs until she reaches the beach where the son's father is, he's covered in blood and scratches while holding a broken spear. The mother let her son down and the boy ran to the father to hug him. The father and son embraced for a moment, but soon after the hug, the father picked his son up and placed him on a small raft. The boy was confused, but then the father gave his son the necklace he wore. It was a dinosaur tooth and was passed down from the family for generations, this only meant one thing, the child had to go out on their own. The son knew what it meant, despite being 6 years old, he began to cry because he didn't want to leave his parents. The father and mother crouched next to their son and have him reassurance, they let their son know they're the bravest and strongest and that he could do anything. Whether this was just because the boy was the general's son or that the parents are just trying to help him feel better, the boy will never know, but he wiped his tears away. With one good push, the parents had their son set sail away on the raft. They were saddened, not because they are being invaded, but because they won't see their son grow as they had hoped for him. Both the son and the parents waved goodbye, until eventually, smoke blocked their view from seeing each other, and that would be the last the boy ever saw his parents.

Three days have passed and the boy felt like giving up, he already sacrificed his sail to form a spear, but no fish have been seen close to the surface. The boy felt tired from the sun's heat, he felt like napping his time away, but then he felt like he struck something and the water sounded more shallow. The boy turned his head and saw that he washed up on a beach. He could tell this beach wasn't his island home beach, but he didn't have strength to be excited. The boy heard the sound of something approaching him from behind, but was still too weak to do anything, so he passed out right then and there, accepting his fate.

A few hours later

The boy wakes up on a soft medical bed and sees two figures behind a window. The boy looked around and noticed he was in a room. Although he has no idea, the boy is at a government facility where there's two doctors, a deer doctor and a honey badger, outside the room discussing what the boy may be. They're at a loss.

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