Leaving for Cali

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As I sat in Starbucks tears streamed down my face. Damiar had just left the small cafe... he left me crying in a cafe all alone. After a few minutes, Eric walked in and saw me in tears. He ran over to me confused and worried.

"Ace... what happened?" he asked.

"damiar... broke up with me because he's moving to California." I told Eruc (no I'm not fixing that I laughed too hard at it) as he hugged me. Eventually, I stopped crying and Paul, Kai, and Caleb walked in and seen us. Paul was confused about why Eric was comforting me and not D.

"Where's Dam-" he started but stopped when he saw my eyes watering.

"Oh don't tell me he-" Kai started but I cut him off with a nod as the tears I had been holding back escaped.

"Oh, Ace... I'm so sorry!!" Caleb told me.

"He said that it would be for the best since he's moving to California." I told them. Eric pulled away from the hug so everyone else could give me a hug. Then as if I wanted to see him Damiar walked in. He seen me with puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks and then realized that he had literally left me in the cafe alone crying. Eric looked down at his feet as Kai gave him a look of anger.

"I'm sorry Ace..." Damiar told me. I looked at him for a second before running out of the diner with tears streaming down my face. I got to my house when I walked in Ein looked at me.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked and I shook my head no. The truth is I wanted to talk about it but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I had promised Ein and Damiar I wouldn't cut ever again even if I wanted to... I ended up breaking that promise. That night while I was in the shower I stared at the blade that I kept hid in a bar of soap. All I remember was grabbing it and watching the water turn red. Everything else like the actual cutting is a blur. I woke up the next morning and looked at the fresh cuts on my wrist and remembered yesterdays events. I wore a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater to school. I walked into the student's lounge and was stopped by Damiar pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"I needed one last kiss before I left for California... and don't worry to much I'll be back in a few months." he told me.

"D wait.. can we at least try a long-distance relationship?" I asked.

"No Ace I won't have time to even text you but I promise when I come back we can be together again." he replied.

"But Damiar what if one of us moves on?" I questioned.

"Then we move on I guess." he answered and then left. Damiar was gone for six months after that.

(Dami returns)

"Guys I'm back!!" D said walking into Starbucks.

"Damiar..." I squealed happily He gave me an odd look before he started walking out of the café when I got up. I tried to grab his wrist but Eric grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I winced at the pain of my sleeve rubbing the fresh cuts on my wrist and Damiar noticed.

"Eric let go of her wrist she's in pain." D told him and he let my wrist go.

"Ace have you been-" I cut him off.

"I've cut every time I missed you..." I told him as he lifted up my sleeves to see the scars and cuts.

"There's more on my thighs.." I told him as he pulled me into a hug.


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