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"Fuck!" she exclaims, her thick accent ringing through my ears.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"My bloody flight's been canceled." she tells me.

"I'm sorry." I apologize knowing she misses home, you can see it in her grey eyes.

"It's okay but I'm going to take a kip I'm absolutely knackered." she says quietly.

"You're what and you're going to take a what?" I ask.

"I'm tired and I'm going to take a nap." she informs me before walking into her room. Caleb made it home, how come her flights are getting canceled? After an hour Cap starts getting loud, forgetting Ace is asleep I ignore it. That is until she comes come of her room yelling.

"Cap shut the bloody hell up ya wazzock!!" she yells and Cap looks at her confused.

"You idiot." she huffs before going out on the patio. I watch as she takes a few hits off of the puff bar. I walk out on the patio and put my hands on her shoulders giving her a light massage.

"You seem tense..." I start.

"What's bothering you?" I ask.

"I miss home, don't get me wrong it's nice here but I want to go home." she sighs and I can see the tears threatening her eyes. Before I can say anything the tears fall, I turn her around pulling her into a hug, putting my right hand on her head while I hold her. I sway with her back and forth as she cries on my shoulder.

"I might not be able to go home until June..." she cries.

"I know but hey, we'll get you home as soon as we can." I reassure her. She looks up at me as I take my free hand to wipe her tears.

"Promise?" she asks whispering.

"Promise." I whisper back before glancing at her lips. She doesn't hesitate before I have time to take my eyes off her lips she has already connected them to mine.


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