The river

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(Stolen from my Jughead fanfiction)


The trees were a blur as I ran past them, down a path through the woods. It wasn't so much a path as a line of dead plants that had been worn down by people walking the same direction over and over. I laughed as I heard Damiar and Kai calling for me to slow down. I could only imagine the jokes they would make later about me being an immature teenager. I didn't care though because today I felt amazing. For so long, I had wished to feel as good as I did right now. The stress had been too much for months now. I used to be a happy, carefree soul with the need to be outside and running around. Then the anxiety showed up. It slowly got worse and worse until I didn't want to leave my bed anymore. My friends saw what was happening and tried to help me. My boyfriend did too. Damiar was always there when it got bad. Today wasn't about that though. Today was about being the way I used to be, and not caring that I looked like a wreck. Messy hair, dark circles under my eyes and baggy sweat pants. I didn't care now. It was a strange sudden feeling. Sort of the same way the anxiety had come, it had disappeared. I knew it would come back, but for now, I could make up for all the time I had lost this past year. Even as I ran, the weight of it was still there, it just wasn't going to stop me today. So I kept going. The boys were behind me somewhere, probably walking now. Part of me wanted to slow down and talk with them, but the other wanted to keep going and to feel the wind on my face as I headed towards the river. I ran until I was out of the forest, standing on the edge of the road. I stood still and looked down the paved street, seeing a sharp turn in one direction and a seemingly endless stretch of road in the other. The trees were tall and as I waited for Damiar and Kai, I took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of the pines. Through the woods on the other side of the road, I could see the river. The rocks where we used to go and have picnics when we were kids. Aviva and I would set them up with blankets and pillows on the flat rock while Kai and D would play around on the other ones. We had a great view of the river and afterwards, we would go swimming. This morning, when I had realized I was feeling better, I immediately asked the boys to come down to the river with me. We packed up some food, grabbed a blanket and took off. I wanted to ask Aviva, but it all happened so fast that I only remembered once we were halfway there. Next time, we would bring her. We also needed to bring Caleb, so that he could see what we used to do when we younger. I loved him as the new addition to our group and I wanted one of my most cherished memories to include him too. A screeching sound brought me back to the side of the road. I barely had enough time to see it, but a dark car had come around the corner, the tires making an awful noise as it came much too fast around a corner that was so sharp it would be hard to make going slow. In the span of about one second, I watched the car slide, but without ceasing its movements. It continued it's way forwards, now angled straight at me. I felt it for the briefest second and then... nothing.

~Damiars P.O.V.~

Kai and I had lost sight of Ace now, but we knew where she was going, so we didn't both trying to catch up.

"I can't believe we're going back to our spot by the river." Kai said with a smile on his face.

"I know." I responded.

"How long has it been since we were there? It must've been-"

"Right before Little Red's first breakdown."

"Yeah." Kai's smile dropped. We remembered that time. About a year ago, I had found the girl in her room. Kai didn't really know what had happened, but he didn't ask. It was hard for either of us to talk about. It had been hard for Kai too. Watching his childhood friend lose the spark in her eyes and the happiness behind her expressions. That's why today had a good feeling about it. The spark was back. I see it too, she looked more alive than she had in a long time.

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