Dont die on me

255 7 3

POV: He tried to keep you up. Even when your heart rate dropped.


(ORGINAL BY autumng034 )
Damiar kissed my hand softly as the two of us walked to his car. I sat in the passenger seat and he closed my door. He got in on his side and started the car.

"Food good?" I nodded softly.

"Delicious. Now I'm ready for a nap."

Damiar chuckled softly and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Don't you mean to go to bed? It's late for a nap."

I shrugged and laid my head on the window.

"The same thing."

Damiar held my hand as he drove, the streetlights illuminating the road. He was struggling to see some so he went slow to ensure I was safe. The only problem was someone else wasn't being so safe. Damiar tried to swerve the car so it would hit his side, but with the iced roads, it hit the car head-on. I managed to get the worst of it. My head went through the window, a piece of metal struck my side, and my right femur was shattered, etc. Damiar had managed to get a concussion and few bruises and cuts. I groaned softly and tried to lift my head. I was dizzy and faint, the loss of blood affecting me.

"Ace? Are you okay?" Damiar grunted and looked over me. His eyes widen.

"Ace! Stay awake Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." I shut my eyes tightly and whimpered in pain.


"I'm right here, baby. Just stay awake, okay?" I could hear the sirens in the distance, but it always stayed faint. Damiar groaned as the sirens got louder to him. They pulled him out first.

"No, no. Get her first! She's in worse condition." They did get me out although it was hard since my door was stuck, as was my seatbelt. Damiar sat at the ambulance and watched them pull me out of the car. The nurse that was helping him rushed over.

"We're losing her!" Damiar stood up only to be sat back down.

"Let them handle it, son."

He sat beside my bed as his tears dried on his cheeks. I woke occasionally but immediately I would fall right back to sleep. Damiar held my hand gently, watching me sleep. As the hours ticked on he would pace the room or talk to me. He looked at the heart monitor, watching in a panic as it slowed down. He quickly walked to the side of my bed, yelling.

"HEY! NO!" He turned towards the screen before facing me again.

"NO!" He fell against my bed, gripping the sheets.


I blinked rapidly, my eyes filling with a bright light. I stood by my bed. Damiar was being pulled away from my bed as I laid there. I turned back towards the light.


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