3. Visiting Home

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*Rahul's POV*

Yesterday was a fun day. We're now travelling to Bangalore for our next match. Well, this one is huge. If we win against RCB we go into semi-finals!

Twenty more minutes and I'll finally be home. I can't wait to meet mom and dad.

I didn't realise when time passed so quickly, and here we were, in Bangalore airport already. Well, I guess, that's what happens when you play Subway Surfers.

We quickly got off the flight and to the baggage claim area. As soon as we exited the airport, paparazzis rushed towards us.

"Rahul, how's it going on between you and Athiya?"

"Hey Chris, how excited are you for the upcoming game?"

"Ashwin, is it true, that you're getting divorced?"

They went on with stupid questions like these.

And just like that we left for the hotel.


Keeping my luggage in my room, I quickly freshened up and changed into some sweats and a tee before going out again.

I took the hotel car with me and rushed to my house.

I waited for the gate to open and parked my car in front of the house. Quickly getting out, I jogged to the door to ring the bell. Within a few seconds the door swung open revealing my mom with a huge grin on her face.

"Oh my god, Rahul! I missed you." She hugged.

"I missed you too mom!" I replied.

I go in and see my dad with the same expression as mom's and go hug him.

"So Rahul, how have things been recently?" My dad asked.

We were now seated on the couch with coffee mugs in our hand.

"Pretty good. Just IPL these days, you know." I shrugged, eating a piece of my potato patty.

"So, since you're here, your mom and I wanted to talk to you about something." He continued.

Before I could answer, my phone started ringing.

It was my coach.

"Just a minute, guys." I excused myself and walked up to a distance.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Yeah, Rahul. Where are you?"

"I'm at my home as of now. Anything important, coach?"

"Oh nothing as such, but could you please bring some McDonald's while you return? I don't really like the food here, plus, I just really feel like eating some fries and a burger."

"Sure thing." I chuckled.

"Thanks man. Well alright, I'll just let you spend some time with your parents then. Bye."

"Bye, coach." Saying so, I hung up. Well, Gilly is the cutest.

"So sorry, it's was my coach." I said, walking back to the couch.

"It's totally fine." My mom smiled.

"So, dad. You were saying something?"

"Oh yeah, about that."

I waited for him to continue.

"So are you seeing someone right now?" He asked.

"Uhm, no." I laughed.


"Are you speaking about Athiya?" I asked them, with my eyebrows raised.

Before they could speak something, I started speaking again.

"Dad, mom, I've already told you. Athiya and I are just really good friends. She's dating Ayush. Just because the media has caught us a numerous times going out, does not mean we're dating. We're just best of buddies if you could say that." I shrugged.

"Oh that's nice then." My dad smiled.

"So you know Rahul, you're 27 and seeing no one, but we as parents want you to get settled." My mom said.

"And you're at the peak of your career. I suppose you can handle things professionally as well as personally." My dad added.

"What're you guys trying to say here?" I asked, totally confused with what they're talking about.

"Well, Rahul. We want you to get married."


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