32. Embarrassing

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*Shyra's POV*

"That was amazing! The crowd went crazy when they saw you." I told Joe, hugging him.

"Ofcourse. My looks." He boasted, jokingly.

"Ew. You wish." I joked, chuckling.

We spoke for a few more minutes, until he got a call from Sophie.

"Well, I need to go now. It was nice catching up with you after such a long time." He said.

"Same. Say hi to Sofie from my side."

"Sure thing."

I walked into the green room and changed into a pair of sweats and some sweatshirt. I took off my make up and threw my hair into a bun. Wearing a pair of sneakers, I packed all my stuffs, and called Lusia to take it to the car.

I then sat on the couch.

This was the last concert of the LOST tour. I successfully completed my first tour.

Grabbing my phone from the table, I called Liam.

Liam and I have grown really close. He's like a brother to me and my go-to-person.

"First tour done?" He asked, after he picked the call.

"Successfully. Woohoo!" I cheered. I heard him chuckle.

"Congratulations, kid."

"Thank you!"

"So, I heard you have a recording tomorrow?"

"Omg yes! Guess-"

"Yeah, I know, it's Zayn." He chuckled.

He knew Zayn was my crush since forever. And getting to sing with Zayn is something really big for me. Like, my dream come true!

"This reminds me of the time you met us, seven years back." He chuckled.

"Oh god. No." I groaned. Liam was laughing now.

"Come on, I was what? 19? 20?" I defended myself.

"Does not matter. That was funny. Good lord." He laughed even more.

"Okay, cut it." I chuckled.

"I really hope Zayn does not recall it. I just don't want him to recognize me." I added.

"He probably won't. I mean, I couldn't. You looked really different back then." He said.

"Hopefully, he won't." I said.

"Shyra!" Samantha called me out.

"Gotta go Liam." I told him.

"Yup. I heard Samantha." He chuckled.

"Bye, and all the best for tomorrow. Don't let history repeat." He joked.

"Bye!" I laughed.


Samantha walked into the room.


"Here. Zayn's on line." She told me.

"Hello?" I took the phone from her and spoke.

"Uhm, hey. Shyra?" Zayn asked.


"Hi. Zayn here. What's up?"

"Well, just done with the concert. Would be heading back to the hotel in a few. What about you?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, congratulations on completing your first tour."


"Okay, well, so I called to ask if we could catch up for a few hours?" He asked. Before I could answer, he spoke again.

"Only if you're fine with it. Like, you're just done with a concert, you might be tired and stuff."

"That isn't an issue at all. Tell me where and I'll be there, cool?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll text the address to Samantha."

"Sure. Just a minute, I'll hand the phone over to her." I said, and returned the phone to her.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Ah, nevermind.



Samantha hugged Zayn.

"Zayn, Shyra. Shyra, Zayn." She introduced.

"Hey." He smiled, and engulfed me in a hug.


We were now sat on the couch. He stared at me for a few seconds before saying,

"I guess, I've seen you somewhere."

Oh no. Please.

"Really? You guys have met before?" Samantha asked me.


Before I could complete my sentence, Zayn spoke.

"Ain't you the one I met in that building?" He asked me.

Shit, he remembers.

"Okay, what's going on?" Samantha asked.

Zayn started laughing by now because he recognized me.

"Can someone please tell me?" Samantha begged.

"Okay, so seven years back I met One Direction." I started.

"That does not answer my question."

"Let me complete!" I snapped.

"Yeah, so seven years back, when they were shooting for 'Best Song Ever' in the ever so famous building, whatever it's called, I was present there too. I mean not on the same floor but two floors below them. I had come to meet my cousin. We were on the staircase; talking. She told me One Direction was there and about the shooting stuff. And I joked, saying-"

Zayn didn't let me complete again.

"Oh my god! Can I go upstairs and make babies with Zayn? Lord, our babies are gonna look so damn fine."

He mimicked me and started laughing again.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, so that happened, and Alisha, my cousin, asked me to turn around and I saw One Direction standing there; laughing, and Zayn well...."

"I was like what just happened." Zayn chuckled.

"She clicked pictures with us, and we spoke for a while. While leaving, she called my name out and asked me to think over it and ran away. I didn't know what she meant, until I finally realised that she meant making babies." Zayn laughed, shaking his head.

Samantha was laughing by now.

"Okay guys, stop. Let's get back to business." I said.

"Wasn't it-"

I cut Samantha off.

"Embarrassing? Yes."


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