30. I miss her.

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*Rahul's POV*

We landed in London around 11 in the morning. Hardik and I walked into a coffee shop inside the airport. While waiting for our ordered coffee, I saw a magazine that had Shyra on the cover page. I looked at it for a couple of minutes, before keeping it down again.

I turned around to see Hardik looking at me.

"You should call her."

"Hardik, I don't want to speak about her." I said.

"Come on, Rahul. I know you miss her. You yourself know it." He told me.

"Hardik, can we please not talk about it?"

"Okay." He breathed.

We got our coffees and walked out.

Meeting the rest of the boys at the baggage claim area, Hardik asked, "What's with the crowd outside? We never had such crowd ever before whenever we landed."

"It's not for us. It's for Shyra." Mahi bhai said, and my head shot up.

"She's here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she passed by a few minutes ago. She met us and walked into that store." He said, pointing at a store infront of us.

I nodded, sipping my coffee, and getting my baggage.

We were made to stay there for a few more minutes, because of the crowd outside the airport. All of a sudden, Hardik nudged me, looking behind me.

I turned around and saw Shyra walking out of the store. I could stare at her for eternity. I noticed her eyes were puffy and red. Security stuck around her and Samantha as she walked out of the airport.

Shyra put on her shades before walking out.

The crowd went crazy at her sight. They started howling, shouting and what not. Soon enough we were out too and in our bus.

"Boys, do y'all mind if I play the radio?" The bus driver asked us.

"No, not all. Please go ahead." Virat smiled.

The driver pressed some button, with some song on the radio, blaring out of the speakers.

"That was Shameless by Camila Cabello. The next music is by Gnash and Shyra Iyer, 'I love you, I hate you'.

And I'm pretty sure, all the boys were looking at me. I didn't even bother to look up.

"Feeling used, but I'm
Still missing you and I can't
See the end of this just wanna feel your kiss
Against my lips and now all this time
Is passing by, but I still can't seem to tell you why
It hurts me every time I see you
Realize how much I need you"

Shyra's voice blared out of the speaker.

"I hate you I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put
Nobody else above you
I hate you I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her"

For a fact, I know that this song was written about me.

A month after I broke the engagement, there were rumours about me and Nidhi Agarwal which wasn't true at all. I met Nidhi only for an advertisement project, which I later declined, also cleared up all the rumours.

A few weeks later, this song was released. And I knew it was about me. She even mentioned in one of her interviews that her past helped her write songs and this was one of them.

The song finished and the radio jockey's voice was back.

"Well, that amazing song was by Gnash and Shyra Iyer. Speaking about Shyra Iyer, the singer broke down into tears at her concert in Glasgow, while singing, 'Always Remember Us This Way', but nevertheless, she continued with a smile on her face, and gave us a bang on show. The singer is currently in London, for her concert tomorrow at The SSE Arena. We wish her the best of luck.
Moving on, the next song is 'Fingers' by Zayn."

Well, that was too much information right there.

'Always Remember Us This Way', is another song she wrote about me.

Don't ask me how. I just know.

I looked out of the window. People walking on the road, some driving, some coming out of the shops, some entering the shops. My gaze then fell upon a poster which had Shyra's face on it. It was about her concert happening tomorrow.

Well, to be honest, I regret breaking the engagement. I pushed away someone who meant everything to me. Even after whatever I said that night, she still tried to mend things between us by calling me. But me being the dick I am didn't pick any of her calls, nor replied to her text messages.

I honestly don't know what got to me that night. I know she's an artist, and her career needs her to do certain things. I mean, look at Anushka. Even her career makes her do things, but that does not affect Virat, because he knows it's her career, and she loves him only.

I, on the other hand, didn't know what I was doing. I blamed her for something, she didn't even do. I just shattered all her dreams and her.

There were times where I wanted to call her and make things right too, but I couldn't muster the courage to do so. I was just too scared. Even now, when people talk about her or ask about her, I act all cool, but deep inside I blame myself every fucking day.

It's been five months since everything happened, but, I still miss her.

I miss her everyday.



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