26. Surprise Surprise.

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*Shyra's POV*

Today, I was flying to Sri Lanka to give Rahul a surprise. Also, I got some music video to shoot there for my next single. I'm going to be there for a week before flying down to Mumbai. I'll be there for around a month and then return to California.

I was in the departure lounge of the airport until the people in the airport started going crazy. The security then asked me to shift to the lounge room.

I signed stuffs, clicked pictures and met as many fans as I could before moving to the lounge room.

Only Mahi bhai knew I was coming down to Sri Lanka. I also told him not to tell anyone.


I was told there wouldn't be many fans in Sri Lanka and that's the reason we're shooting the music video there, but damn, they were wrong. I couldn't get out of the airport, credits to the paparazzis and the fans blocking the way. Somehow the security got me out, pushing a few fans.

"Gently. Please don't push them." I told the security, helping one of the fans to stand.

I quickly made my way to the car where Samantha was already sitting.

"Guess what!" She started.

"What?" I chuckled.

"We're staying in the same hotel as Rahul's!" Samantha smiled.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I asked, excited.

"Yes hun. Very much." She smiled.

And soon enough we reached the hotel. I texted Mahi bhai asking about their schedule. He said that the boys had two days off. The practice for their T20 starts thereafter.

"Samantha, do we have anything for the next two days?"

"Just an interview tomorrow." She shrugged.

I nodded and went back to texting Mahi bhai. He told me all of them were at the poolside. I texted an okay and locked my phone.

After the bag from the trunk was taken, the security surrounded the car. I stepped out, walking inside the hotel.

Some fans stopped me here and there, asking for pictures, which I gladly accepted. I informed Samantha that I'd be going to meet Rahul. She nodded, and went to her room to take a nap.

As soon as I reached the poolside, Mahi bhai and a few others saw me but I motioned them to keep quiet.

I saw Rahul sitting on one of the chaise lounges, talking to Hardik.

Hardik saw me but again I motioned him to shut up.

I kept my palms on Rahul's eyes. I noticed the entire team watching us.

"Ab ye kaun chutiya hai?" He asked.

The team burst out laughing, while I stood there, controlling my laughter.

He touched my hands, and then my ring. Shit. Shyra. What a dumbfuck. The ring. But surprisingly, Rahul still didn't recognize me.

"Oh. It's a girl." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Mumma! It's Shyra Iyer. I want a picture with her." One of the kids screamed, running towards me.


"What!" Rahul quickly turned.

I first hugged the kid and took a picture with her, and then turned towards Rahul.

"What what?" I asked him, smiling.

He then turned to look at Hardik.

"Terko bhi Shyra dikhai de rahi hai?" He asked him.

I facepalmed myself. Hardik laughed at him, before saying, "Haa merko dikhai de rahi hai."

Rahul quickly turned towards me and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back, tightly.

"Fuck. I missed you." He whispered in my hair.

"I missed you too." I said.

"Rahul bhai, hume bhi milne do bhabi se." Yuzi teased.

Rahul pulled away, winking at Yuzi and then looking at me in awe.

"But how come you're here?" He asked.

"Surprise surprise." I winked at him. He chuckled, hugging me again.

I then met everyone else.

"Oh my god! Shyra Iyer. Huge fan." Rohit said. I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"Glad you are." I smiled.

"Bhabi ki accent hi change hogayi firangiyo ke saath rehke." Yuzi joked. I laughed and hit him on the arm.

"For how long are you here?" Rahul asked me.

"For a week. I got an interview tomorrow. And I guess, my shooting starts after two days." I told him.

"Shooting for what?" Hardik asked.

"Music video." I said.

"Can you spare some time on Friday? It's our first T20 of the series and I really want you to be there." Rahul chirped in.

"I'll be there." I smiled at him.

"Okay guys, I'm really sorry, but I have to cut." Rahul said, pulling me along with him.

The team started teasing us, Virat even screaming, "Use protection."

Wow, Virat. Wow.

Rahul pulled me to his room, locking the door behind us.

He held my waist, pulled me closer and captured my lips with his.


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