4. Text.

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*Shyra's POV*

I was sitting on the couch, going through my Instagram. Athiya uploaded the pictures we clicked like two weeks ago. It was cute.

I started reading the comments on the post.

'Such a cute picture!😭'

'Omg! Athiya Shetty is so gorgeous.😍'

'Athiya and Rahul are just made for each other.'

'Rahul loooooooks soooo haawt!'


'I really love what Shyra is wearing.'

'Is Shyra dating this Ayush guy?👀'

I laughed at this comment. Ayush and Athiya have been together for like four years now. They're an adorable couple.

'I feel, Rahul and Shyra would make a bomb ass couple💯'

My eyes literally popped out of my socket. There were 2k replies to this comment. What!

I was now reading the replies.


'Shyra is so beautiful!'

'I want Rahul and Shyra to get married and make cute babies already👶'


I didn't want to read further and so I refreshed my page.

"YES! SIX." My dad shouted.

"Kings XI Punjab go into the finals!" The commentator spoke.

"That was terrific six by Rahul." He added on.

I turned my head and watched Rahul's team celebrating on the T.V. He had a huge smile on his face.

"YES! YES!" My dad cheered.

I started laughing at how cute he looked. Turning my attention back to the T.V, I saw Rahul receiving the M.O.M award.

I decided to text him on IG.



What do I write now?

S- Just watched you on T.V and you were great. Congratulations to you and your team. Oh, also, congrats on the award. :)


I guess, this will do.


I was on my bed now, ready to sleep. I had an interview tomorrow with Ms. Malini and later had to go shopping for mom and dad's anniversary. Just as I switched off the lights, my phone indicated of a notification.

It was from Rahul.

R- Hey! Thank you so much.💕
Glad to see your budding interest in cricket. xD
What's up?

I chuckled when he said 'budding interest'.

S- Budding interest? Lol no. My dad was watching the match and shouted when you hit the final six, and that's when I diverted my attention to the match. Tough luck. xD
Nm. You tell me?

R- Uhuh? Maybe next time?
Oh btw! The finals are happening in Mumbai next week. You wanna come? Athiya and Ayush are probably coming too.
Well, just took a shower and on the bed rn. I was all caked up. xP

Well, I ain't that interested in cricket. I don't even know what I'd do even if I go.

S- I'm not sure. Got to check my schedule. If I'm free, I will though.
Celebration huh?

R- Sure. Tell me a day prior though. Would really like if you can make it though.
Yeah, you could say so.😂

Aww! What a cutie!

S- Aww! So glad to see you're already in love with me. xD
So against which team are you playing next?

Wow, Shyra. What a cheeky person you are.

R- Very much. xD
You really don't know anything about cricket, do you? 😂

I laughed at his text.

S- No, I don't.😂 I've never really watched an entire match of cricket, so🤷🏻‍♀️

That was true though. I never really watch cricket, let alone be the entire thing.

R- Okay, so there's a match day after tomorrow, CSK v/s DC. The team that wins, will be playing against us.
At this point, I really want to make you watch an entire match. xD

Oh. So that's how it works, eh? Shyra, seems like you got to learn a lot of things.

S- Oooooo. So that's how it works.

Watching an entire cricket match is no less than a nightmare. I mean, no offense, but I don't really know how whatever happens, happens. It's too confusing.

R- Yeaaaaah, that's how it works. xD
Are you challenging me, Shyra? :P

I chuckled again at his text.

S- Yes I am.😎 You're gonna lose anyway.

I don't know how and when but I fell into a deep slumber pretty quick.



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