Bonus Chapter 3.

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*Rahul's POV*

Setting my hair up, I was checking the number of people watching my live.

"Hello everyone." I said.

"Thank you for all your wishes, blessings and support. I'm sorry I couldn't come live yesterday. Shy had too many birthday surprises for me, so I didn't get time, but nonetheless thank you so much. It really means a lot." I said, smiling.

"Also, as I promised, let's get the questions coming up." I spoke again.

"Hi Rahul, how was your birthday?" I read one of the questions.

"Hey Reema. Although my birthday fell during the lockdown, I actually had fun. Since the minute I woke up, Shyra had been surprising me, so it was actually great." I said, chuckling.

"What do you do in your quarantine?" I read another question.

"Honestly, nothing much. I wake up, sometimes I make breakfast for Shy, if she's still sleeping, if not she makes breakfast and I have it. And lunch is always on me, so I prepare lunch everyday. Then I work out and do some training. I watch some series later on. Yeah, that's pretty much it." I answered.

"Do you miss being on field?" Read another question.

"Well ofcourse, I do. If it wasn't for COVID-19, we'd be having IPL now, and that itself gets everyone excited." I chuckled.

"Can you please do this session with Shyra?" I read.

"Well, let's see what she's doing." I said, getting up from the couch and walking to the bedroom.

I answered another question till then.

Shyra was sitting on the bed, watching something on the laptop, while eating chocolates. She was five months pregnant now and her baby bump was very much visible.

"Here she is." I said, switching the camera to the other side, showing everyone what she was doing.

Shyra looked up, and gave me a confused look. I sat beside her on the bed, switching the camera again.

"They want me to do this session with you." I told her.

A smile made its way on her face, as she kept the laptop aside.

"Hello!" She said, waving into the camera.

"Rahul, how're you handling Shyra's mood swings during pregnancy, when that too it's quarantine?" I read.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the question.

"Well, it's honestly difficult. I mean, she craves for the most weirdest things at the most weirdest time. But obviously I don't blame her, it's the pregnancy. So the other day she wanted to have pizza at 3:30 A.M. and obviously we couldn't order, so I made one for her." I spoke.

"And it was quite good." Shyra added.

"Shyra, when're you going back to California?"

"Well, I was to leave to California last night. I had a recording to do for my next album. But now I really don't know." Shyra answered.

"Have you guys decided the name/names of the child/children yet?"

"If it's a girl, then it's Zaisha, and if it's a boy, then, Ansh." I said.

"Yeah, thanks for informing me too." Shyra said, rolling her eyes.

Oooops. Maybe I should've discussed it with her.

"But I like those names." Shyra said, thinking.

I smiled at her and then moved my attention to the phone screen.

"Rahul do you tend to cheat on your diet a lot these days?"

"Well, not really. I mean, I eat everything, so there's nothing to cheat. I just avoid dairy and sugar, and yeah, that's it." I said.

"Shyra, how're you maintaining your diet and figure now?" I read, and started laughing immediately.

"Guys, Shyra, does not diet. She does not even hit the gym or work out. She's just naturally like this. She does not gain weight no matter how much she eats." I said, still laughing, while Shyra chuckled.

"It's a god gifted figure, guys." Shyra joked.

"Rahul what do you cook for lunch?" Shyra read out the question.

"So, sometimes I cook normal lunch, like rice or chapatis, with some curry. The other days, when madam's hormones kicks in, I cook whatever she demands for." I said.

"Oh, by the way, he makes delicious gajar ka halwa." Shyra said quickly.

"Rahul, what's the most annoying thing Shyra does during pregnancy?" Shyra read.

"She's stopped talking. I mean, the girl talks a lot. But since her third month, she does not talk a lot, nor does she annoy me or play pranks on me or whatever. And this is so annoying." I said, truthfully.

"Well, I'm sorry, it's just my pregnancy hormones." She shrugged.

"Are you guys expecting a boy or a girl?" I read.

"I, personally, want a girl." I said, turning to look at Shyra.

"I'm just okay with both." She chuckled.

We spent the next one hour answering questions and goofing around with the fans.

"Guys, it was a great session, will surely do one more again. Also everyone, please stay home, and be safe. Bye." I said, smiling.

"Bye guys!" Shyra smiled.

I exited the live and locked my phone, keeping it on the side table. Hugging Shyra instantly, I whispered in her ear, "I love you."

She chuckled and kissed me.

"You ain't getting no action anytime soon." She said, pulling away.

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled.

Touching her baby bump, a huge grin covered my face.

"I can't wait." I said.

"Neither can I."

"But for now, please go make dinner, I'm too lazy." Shyra chuckled.

"But it's your turn to make dinner." I retorted.

"Hello! I'm carrying your baby, and you can't even make dinner?"

She played the pregnancy card again.

"Only because I love the baby." I said, getting up from the bed.

"And me." Shyra added, smiling.

Shaking my head, I exited the room.

"I want extra cheesy white sauce pasta, thanks." She screamed from the bedroom.

Ah, pregnancy hormones.

"Yes, ma'am."


Another bonus chapter.😂

Vooooote. ♡

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