27. The Kiss.

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*Rahul's POV*

"When do you have your interview tomorrow?" I asked Shy.

"I don't know. Samantha hasn't informed me anything yet." She shrugged, keeping her leg on top of my stomach.

"Where are you staying?" I asked.

"In this hotel." She replied.

"Are you serious?" I asked her, eyes wide open.

"Yeah." She chuckled.

"Thank god." I said, pulling her on top of me.

"I'll get to spend more time with you." I smiled. She smiled back, pecking my cheek.

We stayed like that for a while until she spoke. "We're getting married in like two months."

I held her tightly.

"I love you." I said, softly.

"I love you too."

"Let's go for dinner tonight?" She asked me.

"As you say ma'am." I chuckled.

She smiled, kissing my chest.


We walked on the streets of Sri Lanka, holding hands.

We made sure to go to such a place where there were no much people. It was hard finding one in Battaramulla but thankfully we did.

Shyra wore a black floral dress with pink flats, whereas I wore black sweats and a batman tee, with a pair of flip flops.

We walked into M'eat US.

We took a table at a corner and sat. We quickly went through the menu and ordered whatever we needed.

"Which song are you getting shot?" I asked her.

"Rock Bottom." She answered.

"The one with Joe Jonas, right?"

"Yup." She smiled.

"So how many days of shoot?"

"Should be done within two to three days. I'm here for a week only." She told me.

"Also, what time does the match get over on friday?" She asked me.

"It'll be get done by 7."

She thought for a bit, before nodding.

"Why?" I asked her.

"I rescheduled my shooting on friday. So, I need to go after the match is done."

"Where's the shooting though?"

She took out her phone, answering me about the number of days and the respective shooting areas.

The waiter kept the food on our table and left.

"So why isn't the shoot taking place in California?" I asked, taking a bite of my food.

"It's just too difficult. People don't really let you shoot. They see you, pass the security somehow and run in while the shoot is going on. There were too many problems while shooting 'Don't Start Now'. Thereafter we never really shot in California. Only if there's no alternative, we take a call." She explained.

"So how's the 'Rock Bottom' video going to be like?" I asked.

"I really don't know. I don't even know who's going to direct it." She shrugged.

She then asked me questions about the series, and we kept the conversation going.


We were again walking on the streets, holding hands, but this time, me sipping on my milkshake and her licking her cone of ice cream.

"Don't you have your fitness to take care of?" She asked me, raising an eye brow.

"I am taking care of it." I winked at her.

"Yeah right, by drinking chocolate milkshake."

Back in the shop, I told her, I'd be getting a papaya milkshake, because fitness, but I ended up buying a double chocolate milkshake.

"Sorry sorry. Double chocolate milkshake." She added, chuckling.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have your fitness to take care of?" I mocked her.

"Well, no. 'Cuz I ain't playing no sports." She stuck her tongue out.

"Also, I got no one to impress." She added, winking at me.

While laughing, I spit my milkshake on her face, by mistake.

"RAHUL! EW." She shouted.

"Shit." I laughed.

"This isn't funny." She said, walking into a nearby cafè.

She came out clean after a few minutes and walked back to the same spot. I was still laughing at the same damn spot.

"That was funny." I said, calming myself down.

"Definitely was." She gave me a sarcastic smile, before dumping her ice cream on my head.

"Shyra. Not the hair." I groaned.

I ran to the same cafè, and after a good five minutes of cleaning it off, came out. I ran back to where she was standing. I think she knew I had something in my mind and so she ran, with me running behind her.

We joked around, behaved like retards, sang at the top of our lungs and had pure fun.

I threw my empty bottle of milkshake in a dustbin, before nearing the hotel. We were about two minutes away from the hotel when it started raining.

With a smile on her face, she looked up.

I was just staring at her.

She is beautiful.

Shyra turned to look at me, and raised both her eye brows, as if asking me what. I looked at her for a few seconds, before pulling her closer to me.

"Time to strike another wish off your list."

So saying, I kissed her.



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