6. Perfect.

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*Rahul's POV*

As soon as I entered the mall, people started running towards me. Well, maybe coming to the mall wasn't a good idea.

I called Shyra quickly. She picked up in the first ring itself.


"Hi, Shyra. Rahul here."

"Oh, hi Rahul. Come to H&M, it's on the third floor."

"Cool. Will be there in 2." So saying, I hung up and made my way to the 3rd floor, the bouncers protecting me.

I clicked a few pictures with people here and there.

I entered H&M and saw Shyra talking to one of her two bouncers. She saw me and started making her way towards me. I smiled and engulfed her in a quick hug.

"Thank you so much for coming and I'm really sorry." She smiled.

I chuckled before saying, "It's okay, chill. Let's get your gifts?"

"Yeah, let's go." So saying we walked out of H&M.

"Why exactly were you in H&M?" I asked her.

"Uh, well... I was in Armani before you came and I didn't know what to buy, so I came here to just check clothes for myself." She giggled.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

We first went to House Of Versace. After spending almost twenty minutes, she tells me she didn't really like anything there, so we walked out.

"Okay, so what exactly are you planning to gift your parents?" I asked her, to be more exact on what she actually wanted.

"A Kelly Bag for mom, which I already bought from Hermes. Now I don't really know what to gift dad. I was planning on getting a watch for him but again, I don't know." She shrugged.

"Okay, let's go to the Rolex Showroom then."

So saying, we walked to the Rolex Showroom. We saw some watches but neither me nor Shyra liked any, so we walked out again. We went to a few more shops, before I started feeling hungry.

"I'm kind of hungry, can we go eat something if it's fine?" Shyra asked.

This girl is an angel, I'll tell you.

"I'm hungry too. Let's just go." I laughed.

We walked into Subway, ordered whatever we wanted and sat on our table.

"So, when's the anniversary?" I asked her.

"It's next week on the 28th." She smiled.

"What have you planned?"

"My parents don't really like having a party on either birthdays or anniversaries, so it'll just be a small get together." She said.

Our order was placed on the table by now.

"My dad is planning to call one of his friend's family over for dinner that day. In other words, merko dekhne keliye ladka aa raha hai." She laughed.

"What?" I laughed along.

"Arrange marriage?" I asked her.

"Well, yeah. The only time I fell in love was when I was in college. I dated this guy for like three years before we broke up. After that I never really fell in love." She smiled.

"Well. Wow." I said.

"Tum batao."

"Mai bhi arrange marriage ke line mei hu." I chuckled.

"What? No way!"

"Really. Believe it or not, I never fell in love. I mean, I did date girls 'cuz I liked them, not loved." I emphasized on the word 'loved'.

"This is interesting." She laughed.

"What if you're the guy that's going to come to my house on 28th?" She gasped, jokingly.

"You never know." I winked at her, playing along. We both knew that wasn't going to happen.

We spoke about random things for the next thirty minutes, before shopping again.

"Oh wait! Let's go here." I said, taking her hand in mine and walking into Patek Philippe. We saw a few watches until my eye fell on a black beauty. It was a glass black Patek Philippe watch. It was gorgeous!

"Could you please show us the black one?" I asked the man. He handed it over to me and I showed it to Shyra.

"This is so beautiful." She said, while admiring the watch.

"Please pack this." She said giving the watch back to the man.

"So how did you like it?" I asked her in the mean time.




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