34. I'm sorry.

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*Rahul's POV*

I saw tears in her eyes the minute she landed her eyes on me. She looked down and walked away. I just stood there.

Again, letting her go.

Again, not stopping her.

"Is she coming?" I asked Rohit.

He shook his head, looking down at the gift she gave.

"You should talk to her." Rohit said, looking up at me.

"Come on, Rahul. It wasn't her mistake at all. What're you punishing her for? You're not only punishing her, but yourself too." He continued.

"She's done her part, making it up to you. You were stubborn back then, and even now too." He said, coming closer.

"Rahul, I know you still love her. Don't let her go. She's a really nice girl." He said, patting my back.


We were back at the hotel, and were in our respective suite.

I thought about what Rohit said back then. He did make sense. Why am I punishing her for something she didn't do?

With all the courage in me, I called Shyra.

She picked up, but didn't speak.

"Shyra?" I started.


"How're y-you?" I stuttered. She stayed quiet for a while.

"Call kyu kiya? Something important?" She asked.

"Uhm.. yeah.. uh.. so are you coming for Samaira's birthday?" I asked her.

"No." She said.


"It'll be very awkward to be honest."


"Yeah. And also, I'm leaving to India tomorrow morning. Got some projects to complete."


I was at a loss of words.

"Uhm.. if there's nothing else to speak about, bye?" She spoke, after a minute of very awkward silence.

"Uh.. yeah, bye."

She hung up.

I tossed my phone on to the bed. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I ran my fingers through my hair. I fucked up big time. I just don't know what to do.

Grabbing my phone, I called her again.


"Are you free tonight?"

She was silent for a couple of seconds.

"Why though?" She asked.

"Let's go for dinner, like the old times." I said and regretted instantly.

"Old times which ended up on a harsh note?" She asked.

"Why?" She continued.

"What why?"

"Why now? I mean, why're you calling me now? Trying to take me out for dinner and all. Why not five months back, when you could've actually mended things up?"

She broke down. I could hear her soft sobs.

"I'm sorry." Is all I said.

"And you think things will get back to how they were?" She asked.

"I don't know, Shyra."

"I'm sorry. I really don't know what got to me that night. I was being a stubborn dick back then. And trust me, Shy, there wasn't even a single day where I didn't regret whatever I did or said that night." I continued.

"Then why didn't you pick my calls? I called you regularly for two fucking weeks, Rahul. I wanted things to get normal between us. And what did you do? Not pick my calls? Ignore me? Put up a story on Instagram and a tweet on Twitter saying we're not together anymore?"

"Shy.... I'm sorry."

"I miss you, Rahul. I fucking miss you every single day. There's not even a single day where I don't cry for you. I fucking blamed myself every second for forgetting to text you about the kiss scene. Maybe if I did, things wouldn't have been this way." She cried.

"Shyra, please don't cry."

I realised even I was crying by now.

"You think it's easy Rahul? First, you break us apart, next thing I know you're paired up with some other chick, and now you call me after five months?"

"Shyra, I don't really have anything to say. I'm just sorry. I really am." I cried.

"Please, Shy. Just one last chance, please?" I begged.

"Rahul, I gave you my heart. I made you the home for my heart, and what did you do? Shatter it into a million pieces?" She said. I stayed silent.

"I really hope we never meet again." She said, hanging up.

I threw my phone on the bed and pulled my hair; crying. After we broke apart, I didn't even cry a single day, even if I wanted to, and look at me today. I can't even stop crying. With remembering each thing I told her that night, each thing I did that night, I cried louder.

I'm sorry, Shy. I really am.


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