33. Awkward.

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*Shyra's POV*

Last night at Zayn's place after all the jokes were done, he told me how the tune goes and how he wants me to sing. We did three rehearsals before I left his place.

Right now, we're in the studio, fooling around. Literally.

"Okay, guys, shut up, and get it done." Alston, the system operator, chuckled.

"Got it, Zayn?"

"That was for you, but okay." He laughed at me.

We fooled around for some more time, before getting the recording done.

Samantha and I left early, as she had to shop for her niece, and wanted some help too. We put on our hoodies and shades so that people don't recognize us.

We walked into a mall, and directly went into a kids shop. She searched for a good fifteen minutes, until she wanted to leave. We walked into another shop, spent some time looking for a nice - cute dress, and walked back out with nothing in our hands.

"Okay, let's go there." I pointed out at some shop. We walked in and again failed to find something.

"Last shop." Samantha huffed. I chuckled at how annoyed she was.

There were no much people in this shop, just some kids and their parents. I took off my shades, and pulled down the zip of the jacket. Roaming my eyes around the shop, I found a very cute blue dress. I picked the dress and turned around only to hit a person by my elbow.

"I'm so sorry." I said, checking who it was.

"Rohit? Shit. I'm so sorry." I chuckled this time.

"Chill chill, it's fine."

I was about to say something, but he spoke again.

"Amazing concert last night though."

"You came?" I asked, shocked. He nodded with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Samantha made arrangements for us. Natasa, Hardik's fiancè and Samantha are cousins. We thought you knew."

"Samantha knew? She didn't tell me."

"Rohit, how about this?"

It was Hardik.

"Hello, boy!" I said, hugging him.

"Heyy. What's up. How're you? Oh! By the way, last night was crazy. You were just... wow!" He said.

I thanked him, chuckling.

"What's the dress for?" I asked him.

"Oh! Samaira's birthday is around the corner, so in search for her birthday dress." Rohit said.

"Rohit, I found the perfect one." The person said, jogging towards us. It was Rahul. I recognized him by his voice. My back faced him, and so he couldn't see who I was. I motioned Rohit and Hardik to not say anything, and I walked away quickly, my back still facing him.

"Uh.. Samantha."

I handed the dress over to her.

"This is so cute. I'm pretty sure she's gonna love this." She grinned.

"Can we like.. leave? Rahul's here, and I don't really wanna, you know...."

She nodded and we rushed to the cash counter.

While Samantha was paying for the dress, I saw a baby pink gown for kids around 2-3 years. It looked so angelic. I quickly walked to where it was hanging and checked if it wasn't damaged. It was alright.

I walked back to the cash counter, paying for it, and also asked them to gift wrap it. The cashier recognized me and asked for a picture, which I gladly accepted. I paid, and walked towards Samantha.

"Whom is this for?" Samantha asked.

"Rohit's daughter."

I found Rohit in an aisle, still searching for a dress.


"Heyy. What's this?" He asked.

"It's for Samaira."

"What? Shyra you di-"

"Shut up, Rohit. It's her birthday." I smiled.

"Well, thank you." He smiled back.

"By the way, we're celebrating Samaira's birthday in the hotel we're staying in. Just a small celebration within the team, and I want you to come. Ritika will be so happy to see you!" He said.

"I'm not sure about it. I'll see." I smiled.

"Is it because-"

"Yeah." I cut him off.

"I... uh.. I understand." He said, smiling softly at me.

I started fidgeting with my fingers.

"So.. uhm.. I'll get going. I'll call Ritika sometime later. Bye." I said, hugging him.

"Take care." He said, tapping on my cheek.

I smiled at him and turned around, regretting it already. Rahul and Hardik stood there, looking at me. I looked at Rahul, who was staring at me. Wow, I never thought things could get this awkward between us.

I felt tears blurring my vision. Looking down, I quickly walked away. I didn't want him to see me crying.



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