20. Dream.

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*Shyra's POV*


This is such a huge thing for me. I've always dreamed of this and it's finally happening! It's been days since I got the mail but the excitement is never ending. I can't even express how I feel right now.

"Shyra!" My mom screamed from downstairs.

"Coming!" I screamed back.

"Yes mumma?" I asked, entering the kitchen.

"Here. Your favourite kheer. You're leaving to California tonight, so I thought why not make it?" She smiled.

"Thank you maa! I love you." I hugged her, before taking the bowl of kheer from her hand.

"This is so tasty!"

Oooh! Foodgasm!

"I'm so proud of you, Shy!" My dad said, leaning against the frame. I smiled at him.

"Thanks for letting me live my dream and never forcing things on me. I love you both." I said, hugging both of them.

My phone started ringing. Athiya.


"Shy! You're leaving to California tonight. I'm so fucking happy for you. Oh my god! You'll be living your dream. Finally!" She gushed.

"Athiya, I'm so excited!" I squealed.

And so I spent almost an hour speaking to her.


I did a final check again.

I packed everything I knew I'd be needing in California. I also packed those stuff I doubt I'd need, but you never know.

"Shy, Rahul's here!" Dad shouted.

I walked out of one of the rooms, dragging my bag along.

"Nitesh bhaiya, isko Rahul ke car mei rakh do." I told one of the house helpers.

"Bye mom. Bye dad. Take care both of you. Dad please take your medicines on time. Anything important call me right away, okay? I love you both." I said, hugging them.

"Take care beta. Be safe there. Call everyday okay?"

"Dhyaan rakh apna. And come back soon. I'll miss you."

"Aunty, uncle, if there's anything you guys need, call me, whatever time it may be. I'll be here in Mumbai until she returns. Take care." Rahul said. I hit the jackpot with this man!

I bid my final goodbye to mom and dad before walking to Rahul's car. I noticed he got his driver today.

"Excited?" He asked me. We were on the way to the airport now.

"Very much." I smiled.

"Nervous?" He asked.

"A little." I chuckled.

"Don't worry. You'll do great. I know." He said, kissing my knuckles.

He pressed a button, a sheet coming down, separating the front half and the back half. After it was completely shut, Rahul turned to look at me.

"Oh god, I'll miss you so much." He said, before pulling me into a kiss. Thank god the windows were black tinted, otherwise we would've been on the front page tomorrow. I pulled him closer, kissing him. He pulled me onto his lap, not breaking the kiss.

We pulled apart as we were out of breath. Rahul started trailing kisses down my neck. He left a love bite or two, before kissing my jaw line.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, before softly biting my earlobe. The next thing I know, I'm on top of him, laying down on the seat. Wow. I wonder how he did that. He lifted my shirt a bit, drawing circles on my waist.

We made out for another hour before reaching the airport.

"Rahul, stop, we're almost at the airport." I said, pulling away from him.

"Shyyyy." He groaned, not letting me go.

"Rahul." I said, sternly.

He pulled him into him and kissed me for a few seconds, before letting go.

I chuckled at him.

Quickly, I set my hair and my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror. Okay, decent.

The driver soon arrived at the departure area.

"Take care. Be safe. If there's anything, please call me. I'll miss you and I love you." Rahul said, hugging me tightly.

"I love you too." I said, pecking him.

I got down from the car, security taking my bag from the trunk and some around me.

"Bye, take care." I said, giving one last hug to Rahul, before walking away.

"Shyra ma'am, one picture."

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Here."

"One picture, please."

I stood for a few minutes, before walking in.

"Shyra ma'am, kaha ja rahe ho aap?" One of the reporters asked me.

"Aapko jaldi pata chal jayega." I smiled at him before walking in.

Time to live my dream.



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