15. RaYra

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*Shyra's POV*

I'm getting engaged today!

At the moment I was sitting in one of the green rooms of the banquet hall in JW Marriott. We still had 4 hours more to go for the engagement function to start. But I had to get my make up done, hence, I had to come early.

I couldn't stop thinking about Rahul's post. It means alot to me, that too coming from him.

Truth to be told, I like him. Alot.

I kept my phone aside, and let the make up artist do her job.


I put on my lehenga and walked out of the washroom.

"Wow!" Saanchi, my cousin, exclaimed, looking at me.

"Shy, you look like a dream." She added.

Soon enough mom and dad came inside and escorted me out. It was minimal crowd as it was just a family function. Neither me nor Rahul wanted friends from the industry as we just planned a small get together of both the families.

And just like any normal engagement that takes place in an Indian family, our engagement was also done.


I sat on my bed in my pyjama shorts, going through the pictures.

Saanchi had clicked a nice picture of mine and Rahul's, and I decided to take it to Twitter and also share it on Instagram.


Being the caption.

Just when I posted the picture, I saw Rahul's post. It was a candid picture. I was talking to him about something, my face being grumpy, and him laughing at me.

Cute, I thought.

The caption was,

Engaged to the cutest 💝

Awwww, cutie!

In a matter of few minutes #RaYra was trending.


There were articles about our engagement, fans commenting on our posts, some fans crying that Rahul isn't single anymore.

Wow, okay.

I called Rahul immediately.

"RaYra is trending!" I told him, when he picked up.

"Well, hello to you too. And yeah, I know." He chuckled.

"Yeah, hi." I said, laughing sheepishly.

"You tired?" He asked me.

"Thoda sa. You?"

"Yeah, a bit. Want to go have coffee?"




"Cool. Will be there soon. Bye."

"Bye." So saying, I hung up.

I just changed my shorts into a pair of black sweatpants. Letting the same tee on. After tying my hair into a pony, I grabbed a hoodie and my phone. I put some cash in my pocket before walking downstairs. My extended family had come from Bangalore and were staying with us for a week.

"Mumma, I'm going out with Rahul. Will be back soon." I told mom.

"Ohhooo. Date huh?" Saanchi teased.

"Shut up." I chuckled at her.

"Okay, take care. It's already 10:45 p.m. stay safe okay." Mom said.

I decided to wear slippers and not change it. I bid everyone goodbye before stepping out.

Why're people crowding out of my gate? They started shouting when they saw me. I waved at them.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was Rahul.

"Why's there a huge crowd outside?" He asked.

"I really don't know. Where are you though?"

"Right here." He said, as I saw his car making its way outside of the gate. My bouncers guided me towards his car, paparazzis asking me questions about our engagement. Just as I climbed in, Rahul hugged me, as my bouncers made some way for the car to go.

We quickly left and hit the main road.

"Paparazzis?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said, brushing my hair with my fingers.

"They were outside my house too." He chuckled.

"Engagement questions were thrown at you too?" I asked him.

He nodded, chuckling.

"Did you read this article?" He laughed and showed me his phone. The article said, we were in a 4 year relationship before Rahul proposed me.

What even?

"What the fuck?" I laughed.

"4 year relationship?" I laughed more.

"That's what! I have an interview tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure they're going to ask me about you." He said.

"Obviously." I laughed.

"Where do you want to go for coffee?" He asked.

"Can we go to a road side tapri?" I asked him.

"As you say ma'am."

Soon enough we were at a tapri, drinking hot coffee and eating some hot pakodes. We ate, drank and spoke a lot.

This was just the beginning for us.



Sorry for this shitty chapter. Will make the next one interesting.

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