10. Date.

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*Rahul's POV*

As soon as I got home, I conference called Virat, MS, Shikhar, Hardik, Mandeep and Karun. These people are among my closest friends.

"Virat, MS, Shikhar, Mandeep, Hardik, Karun, it's a conference call." I started. Before I could speak anything further the boys started talking among themselves.

"Guys!" I shouted.

"It's important." I added quickly.

"Sorry, sorry. What is it?" Virat asked.

"Okay so I'm getting married."

And the ruckus started yet again.

"Guys, puri baat toh sunlo." I said. They stopped and waited for me to continue.

"Yeah, so as I said, I'm getting married but not now. Maybe around December. But the engagement is two weeks later." I said.

"Wow, that's nice. Congratulations buddy." MS said.

The rest of them started congratulating me too.

"Who's the girl though?" Mandeep asked.


"Bol!" Karun said.

"Sharma gaya kya?" Shikhar joked.

"Bol bey." Mandeep said again.

"It's Shyra."

"Shyra Iyer?" Hardik asked.

"What?" Karun shouted, definitely shocked.

I then explained everything to them from the very beginning.

"Wow." Shikhar said once I was done.

"I'll have to call my crush, bhabi, now?" Karun joked.

"Yes." I laughed.

We spoke for another thirty minutes, before hanging up. I changed my clothes and freshened up.

I checked the time. It was 11:47 p.m. Shyra should be awake, I thought.

"Hi." She spoke. I could imagine her smiling.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Just changed into my pyjamas and sitting on the bed. You tell me. What're you doing?" She asked.

"I was about to sleep. Thought I'd call you." I shrugged.

"Awww. You miss me already!" She joked. I chuckled.

"You free tomorrow?" I asked her.

"I got a meeting in the morning. Will be free after 11 though."

"Cool. I'll pick you up at 1:30 from your house, okay?"

"Are you taking me out on a date?" She laughed.

"Yes, I am." I smiled.

"Okay, then. Oh, by the way, where are we going? I need to dress accordingly." She told me.

"Well, I'm taking you out for lunch." I informed her.

"Done done. Are you excited?" She asked.


"Our first date." She laughed. She's so cute!

"Very much." I smiled.

We spoke for another hour before calling it night.


After I was dressed, I quickly wore my watch and grabbed my car keys, racing downstairs.

"Where are you going Rahul?" Mom asked.

"I'm taking Shyra out for lunch." I said, reaching the last stair. My dad gave me a teasing look, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Okay, bye guys."

I stepped out of the house and drove to her's quickly.

"Hey. You here?" She asked, once she picked the call.


"Coming. Coming." She hung up.

I saw her walk towards the car. She was dressed in a white summer dress; three-fourth sleeves and white wedges. Her waist length hair tied in a messy bun, leaving some loose strands here and there. She looked beautiful.

I got off the driver's seat and jogged towards her. I gave her a quick hug, before opening the door.

"Gentleman, huh?" She chuckled.

"For you? Anyday." I flirted.

She shook her head, with a smile on her face and sat in the passenger's seat. I ran back to the driver's seat and drove away to Asilo.

I parked the car, but before I could get out, Shyra spoke.

"Now please don't run to my seat's door to get it." She giggled. I chuckled at her before getting out of the car.

I held her waist as we walked into Asilo.

"This is beautiful." She said, looking at our table. Thank you for booking a table last night Rahul, I thought.

We could see Mumbai and it's beaches from out table.

We ordered a plate of truffled potato wedges, two types of vegetarian platters, one plate of chicken alfredo pasta and two plates of espresso fudge cake for dessert. We also ordered an Island Cocktail for me and a Pink Velvet Cocktail for her.

The conversations flowed pretty easily and I found myself getting attracted to her.


Another chapter!

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