31. Concert.

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*Rahul's POV*

"So any of you want to attend Shyra's concert?" Hardik asked, coming into the suite, all of the boys were in. They all turned to look at me.

"What? If you guys want to go, then go." I shrugged.

"I really want to go. I mean, I'm a huge SHYRAITE." Rohit said, chuckling.

"What's a 'shyraite'?" Yuzi asked, confused.

"Shyra's fans are called SHYRAITES." Rohit said.

"But I checked for the tickets. The arena is sold out." He added.

"Woah. It's her first tour and a sold out already?" Shikhar asked him.

"Bro, this isn't her first sold out. She's had five sold outs in this tour." Rohit said.

"Okay, but Rohit, do you want to go?" Hardik asked again.

"I do."

"Good. So get ready, because we're going." Hardik said.

"How's that possible?" I asked.

"Natasa and Samantha are cousins. I got us in." He shrugged his shoulders.

"How many passes do you have?" Yuzi asked.

"I can take as many people as I want." Hardik chuckled.

Everyone agreed on going, except me.

"Come on, Rahul, don't be such a spoil sport." Hardik said.

"I just don't want to meet her." I told her.

"It's okay, don't meet her, but just tag along."



We were given special seating arrangements to the left of the main stage. The screen lit up, starting a countdown from 10.

"3. 2. 1." The crowd erupted into cheers, when a video of Shyra played on the screen. Suddenly, the screen went blank, with the lights of the stadium switched off.

Safari's tune started playing and the crowd went crazy. The lights were back on, when Shyra entered.

She was wearing a white shirt with sleeves upto her elbow, tucked into a shiny skirt. A pair of silver stilettos to go with it. Her hair was left open just the way I like it.

"Come on, boy, move that body
'Cuz tonight I'm naughty, naughty
Dance with me like it's my party
We go wild we're in Safari

We go wild we're in Safari."

The tune came on, as the background dancer danced, and she moved to the tune.

She completed her song, and looked around the arena.

"What's up, London!?" She screamed into the mic, causing all her fans to go crazy.

"Okay, first thing first, thank you so much for sparing some time, and coming here to watch me perform. It really means a lot to me." She smiled.

"I love y'all!" She shouted, and again the crowd went crazy.

"I would be complex
I would be cool
They'd say I played the field before
I found someone to commit to
And that would be okay
For me to do
Every conquest I had made
Would make me more of a boss to you"

She started singing her next song.


We were halfway done through the concert, with her singing, but mostly playing around with the fans. She treats her fans like her family.

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