14. Beautiful.

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*Rahul's POV*

Shyra definitely has some kind of effect on me. She's this child who knows to live her life to the fullest but is also mature enough. Whenever she's around, I'm really happy for no reason at all. It's just her presence that matters to me. And honestly, I find myself falling in love with her.

I looked at Shyra sleeping peacefully on her seat. She looked so cute. I stopped at a signal, quickly snapped a picture of her sleeping.

A very good night indeed. 💕

I uploaded her picture on my Instagram story and kept my phone back where it was, and started driving again as the signal had turned green. It was already midnight. 1:30 a.m. to be precise. I was driving to a hotel, which had a really good view of the beach, and had already booked a room for us. Also, I had already asked Shyra's parents. They had no problem at all. I informed my parents too that I wouldn't be coming home tonight.

Within five minutes, we reached the hotel.

"Shyra, wake up." I said, lightly shaking her.

"We reached home?" She asked, opening her eyes.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking at the hotel infront of us. A confused look on her face.

"Another surprise, maybe?" I smiled at her.

"Oh god, Rahul." She smiled widely.

We got out of the car as I handed the keys to the valet attendant to park it. I led her inside, her hands in my grasp. I took the keys from the receptionist, and started walking towards our room. It was on the top floor of the hotel. I handed her the keys and she gave me a confused look.

"Open it." I smiled.

She smiled back and opened the door.

"Wow." She breathed, taking in the view of the room.

The ceiling and one of the walls were replaced by glass. You could see the beautiful scenery of the beach, and also when you go to sleep, you can see the beautiful star filled night sky. In the morning, however, the sheets are put on to escape from the sun.

There were four pieces of chocolate pastry, some chips, lots of potato snacks, soft drinks and a huge tub of chocolate ice cream, kept on the bed side table, just like I had explained the hotel staff. They were all Shyra's favourite goodies to munch on.

At the edge of the bed, there were mine and Shyra's bed time clothes too.

We walked in and I locked the door behind me.

"I honestly can't thank you enough for...." she started thinking of a word to end her sentence, "for everything actually." So saying, she walked up to me before engulfing me in a hug.

"Thank you!" She said, looking into my eyes, smiling. I smiled back, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Go change." I told her.

"How did you get my clothes?" She laughed.

"Surprise surprise." I laughed too.

She threw a pillow at me; laughing, before walking into the bathroom to change. While she was inside, I decided to change. I quickly took off my sneakers and jeans, and put on my shorts. I took off my shirt, folded it along with my jeans and kept it aside.

I started roaming around the room; shirtless, when Shyra stepped out, her previous clothes in her hand. She kept them aside and looked at me.

"Nice body." She said, giving me an amused look, checking me out. I chuckled at her.

In the meanwhile, I checked her out too. She was wearing a loose tee and a pair of barbie doll shorts. Her legs were so toned. Damn.

"Stop checking my legs out." She laughed.

"Nice shorts." I teased.

"Shut up." She laughed ever more.

Soon enough we were on the bed; laying, talking and munching on all these snacks.

Shyra's phone suddenly started ringing.

"It's my manager, just a minute."

While she was speaking, I went through my gallery, checking Shyra's pictures I had earlier clicked. There was one picture in which she was laughing, her hair flying because of the wind. She looked beautiful.

I decided to post it on my feed.

Versova beach never looked so beautiful.

And posted. Within seconds there were comments. I kept my phone aside, as Shyra was done speaking to her manager.

"Anything important?" I asked her.

"Just another music project." She shrugged.

We again started talking but this time about our careers and dreams.

It was almost 4:30 a.m. I had kept the empty plates, bottles and tub aside on the table, leaving just the two of us laying on the bed. A peaceful silence enveloped us.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asked, breaking the silence, looking at the sky, her eyes about to shut close.

"Very beautiful." I said, looking at her.




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