Chapter Eleven

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Preparing for a date was harder than what the movies showed and I wasn't even the one paying!

I kept on asking myself why I was bothering with all this when I should be avoiding Haru but here I was already dressed and waiting for Haru in the shop.

"I'm sure he won't take his eyes off you when he sees you." Kana said excitedly before Momo nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure you guys can handle everything?" I asked as they all raised a thumbs up.

"It's not the first-time your leaving us alone plus Kaoru is here so we won't have to worry since she's excellent at coordination." Momo said before I sighed and slumped in my chair in relief.

I was still talking with the girls when the door opened and Haru walked in with his serious look.

He was really handsome for someone who was two years older than me and seeing him in casual was something more refreshing.

"Hey. You look amazing." He said before I stood up and then bowed my head.

"You're not bad yourself." I responded before pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"I got you this." He said before he removed his hand behind his back and gave me flowers and chocolate.

I took the chrysanthemum rose and the chocolate before he nervously scratched his head.

"I don't know what to give you so I stuck with simpler gestures." He said before I smelt it and smiled.

As a cook and baker, my sense of smell heightened that I could smell scents that were far away.

That was why even before Haru entered, I knew he had the flowers but it would be a bummer if I told him I knew.

"Help me take care of these." I instructed Momo who nodded and took them.

Haru and I entered the car and started to drive around town, sightseeing and taking pictures which was exciting.

"Here we are, the perfect romance spot." Haru said as he revealed to me the aquarium like a magician in a kids cartoon.

"Really? You should see how you look when you do that." I said before I laughed and he started to laugh too.

After buying tickets to seeing the dolphin show which I very much enjoyed, we went around looking at species of fishes that were around.

"That could make a very good miso soup." I whispered making Haru look at me in surprise.

"You're a weird one." He said with a smirk on his face making me blush in embarrassment.

"N-not t-true. I just think their tasty looking." I said shyly before I quickly walked pass him and he held my hand before pulling me into his chest.

"I never said that I don't love weird. It's a unique look on you." Haru said making me to blush before I buried my face in his chest.

"Stop saying...embarrassing things." I complained like a child before moving away from his warmth.

"That was fun but if you want a second date, then you have to work harder." I said as I looked at him before he laughed and opened the car door for me.

"This is so cliché." I said with a smile on my face before he laughed and leaned on the car door.

"Then should I make it vanilla?" He asked with tiny devil horns popping out of his head making me to keep silent while he laughed.

We drove off to an amusement park making me to pause my movements when we were at the front gate.

I was silent as pleasant sad memories of how my whole family would come here every two months just to have fun.

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