Special One: Surprise!!!

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Hey guys great news so I was qualified for the watty 2020 under young adult and I'm so happy though I'm not confident with the genre I placed it under since LGBTQ+ books don't gain enough appreciation and recognition. Also I promised you a special so here it is.
Believe me when I say my easiest relationship was when I was married with Asami because there was barely communication and no romantic love.

Yuki has always been one to be very expressive especially with his feelings but lately his been more moody than usual and it always ends with me spending a night on the couch.

I thought that now our kids have grown we could finally live the good life but clearly I was wrong.

"Sigh." I sighed aloud as Akio chuckled, a piece of waffers in his hands as he chewed.

"What's wrong man?" Akio asked as he played around in my office.

"I'm blue balled. Yuki has been acting weird, moody and it's been putting me in the couch every night." I explained as he laughed hard.

"What could make a very optimistic omega mad at you?" Akio asked as his chewing got annoying with every bite.

"I've tried asking but his usual response..."

I love you that's why.

Yuki's mean response played in my head as I stared at Akio who laughed.

"Come to think of it, I have to leave for my baby boy's bake sale today." Akio said as he stood up from his chair.

"Say hi to Nori and Izumi for me." I groaned as he nodded, leaving me with a wave.

I opened the door only to pause at the sight of my daughter, Mitsuko holding a basket of sheets fresh out the laundry.

"I'm home." I said as she bowed.

"Welcome home. Mom's making dinner, The rest of the family will be joining us soon. Wash up and get ready." Mi-chan instructed as I kissed her forehead.

She may be twelve years old but she was very mature and helpful for her age.

The only reason I never worried about my son starving to death was her presence in this house.

I walked to the kitchen and paused to take a peek at Yuki.

He was humming with a Popsicle in his hand as he stared the curry.

It was nice to see him in a better mood than this morning so I decided to shower before I made my presence known.

I stepped out of the bathroom as I changed into some comfy pants, sweater and bunny flip-flops.

I remember when we were shopping for it. Yuki thought it would be funny if he took the wolf and I took the bunny.

It said it made me look cute for a tall alpha like me.

I climbed down the stairs and walked to the dining table where Yuki and Mistuko were setting the table before I wrapped my arms around him.

"Haru you're home." Yuki said as he unwrapped my hands from his waist and faced me before he wrapped my arms once more.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my lips heatedly.

I gripped his soft round ass as his tongue heatedly coated mine.

"Don't reproduce where we eat!" Mitsuko's voice had Yuki and I quickly staying apart as we blushed with our cocks aching to feel each other.

"S-sorry." Yuki apologized as he shyly escaped from our blushing daughter who turned her back to hide her face.

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