Chapter Twenty

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I was so spaced out as I worked in the kitchen. My mind wondered to yesterday's conversation with Asami.

"Yuki Tomoki, can we talk?" Asami asked, distracting me from the chores I was doing for the day.

" anything wrong?" I asked timidly with my eyes lowered a little.

"No, I just wanted to talk." She said before I nodded and then I followed her to wherever she was going.

We entered a coffee shop where she ordered for both of us.

When the orders were dropped, I watched as she picked up the tea but I observed there was no wedding ring on her finger.

"I wanted to apologize for hitting you that day. It was wrong of me to assume that you were having a sexual relationship with Haru. I'm really sorry so please forgive me." She said with eyes full of remorse making me to shake my head.

"No worries. I shouldn't have been involved with Haru in the first place. Thank you for bringing me back to reality." I said while holding my hands and giving a soft smile.

She wanted to say something but she held back and drank her tea.

"Haru said you are leaving the country. When are you leaving?" She asked and dropped her cup.

"Next week Sunday."

"That fast?"

"Well I have someone that had it done as soon as possible."

"To be honest, is there anything that will change your mind about leaving?" She asked, creating tension that made my eyes flicker.

"No...nothing at all." I responded before she nodded, her face not giving up what she was thinking.

"The kitchen's on fire!" Kaede shouted snapping me out of my trance before Momo brought a fire extinguisher to deal with the fire.

"Yuki are you okay? This is the first time you've ever burnt anything." Kana scolded me as I removed the apron and heaved.

"I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted since I have to find someone new to run the café." I lied before excusing myself out of the kitchen and walked to the back of the building.

I took out my phone and chatted up Kirito.

I was smiling at the silly puppy stickers he was sending till I heard a soft voice.

"Mama!" Takato said he jumped into my hands, crying as he hugged me tight, afraid I'll leave him.

"I'm so sorry for saying mean things. I didn't mean it because I love mama with all my heart." He confessed making me cry as I hugged him back.

"I love you too. Mama didn't mean to make you angry so stop crying unless I won't stop." I said to him, cleaning my eyes before he calmed down and cleaned his eyes.

"Mama, look Kairi and his papa." He pointed towards the guest who waved at me before I waved back and carried the little omega from his father.

"Yuki, it's so nice to see you again. Is it me or did you get taller?" He joked and placed his hand on my head making me to laugh.

"You seriously haven't changed. How is your mother?"

"She's fine. The doctors said she's getting better."

"That's nice to hear. How long will you be staying in town?" I asked as Kairi played with my hair, giving a fascinated expression.

"I'm back in town. I'm gonna raise my boy because I'm clean." He confessed as he awkwardly scratched his head. I smiled before shaking his hands.

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