Chapter Sixteen

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I groaned as I placed my hand on my forehead before sitting up.

I was having the worst headache and my body hurt so bad that I could barely move.

I rubbed my forehead roughly before opening my eyes to see I was in a very large master bedroom.

I was scared the moment I realized this was an unfamiliar territory before looking down at myself to see I was butt naked.

"Okay Yuki, calm down. It's not what it seems, if I did it, I would remember." I said softly as I did a breathing exercise while trying to calm my unwavering nerves.

I jerked when I heard a moan from my right side before I dragged the blanket closer to me, hiding my body.

No, it not possible.

"You're awake." The stranger said with a smile on his face while I looked at him wearily and a slight blush on my face.

I won't lie, the stranger I was in bed with was really handsome but Haru was my number one.

He had beautiful deep blue eyes that it seemed black but in lighting would be blue, bow lips, a healthy tanned skin, a fit body and disheveled black hair that made him look so hot and defenseless.

"W-where am I? W-who are you?" I asked feeling embarrassed that I was stammering before the man sat up not minding his body was exposed before ruffling his hair.

"You don't remember. That's a shame after we had such a good time." He said with a cocky grin as my eyes widened.

"Y-your lying! Tell me y-your lying." I said as I gripped the blanket tighter that I was worried it would tear.

He looked at me and saw how my body was trembling before he started to laugh making me frown more.

"You should see your face. I wouldn't do anything to a drunk man."

"But my clothes..."

"You puked all over it and mine so I put it in the washer."

"And I feel pain."

"Because you were sitting outside in the cold, so your muscles must be aching." He explained before I sighed in relief and then he stood up and put on a bathrobe before tossing me one.

"Well now that you're better, the bathroom is over there. I'll have someone bring your clothes to you then we can have breakfast and I'll drop you off. Also you should call your husband, his been calling you since last night." He informed me before leaving the large room for me and my thoughts.

I picked up my phone and gasped when I saw a hundred and twelve missed calls from Shino, twelve from Hinata and twenty five from Rin. I also a lot of text messages making me to gulp as I dialed Shino.

"Yuki! Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick." He asked as I heard sighs of relief from the background.

"I'm so sorry for not calling. I slept over at a friend's house." I winced at the fact that I was lying to Shino who then heaved and then cursed softly.

"I'm glad you're safe. Takato has been asking of you but his okay. He couldn't go to school today so Rin is taking care of him. Also you need to come home because I promised you to take you out to dinner."

"Today is Friday?"

"Yeah, so don't take too long. Bye." He said before he cut the call and I dropped the phone and sighed.

I came downstairs feeling clean and refreshed.

My clothes were dry cleaned and I loved the smell of the soap before I walked to the dinner the maid pointed to me.

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