Chapter Twenty One

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Please listen to this song 'You said you'd grow old with me.'

Yuki invited me to his farewell party that would be hosting later tonight.

All of Yuki's friends that were close were invited but I felt no need to go, it would be painful for me.

If that it wasn't for Takato, I would be home reading books to kill the bad feeling eating my stomach.

"Asami let's go." I said and opened her room but she was lying down in bed in her pajamas, her mind traveling to who knows where.


"I'm exhausted so I want to stay. Also I'm not really close with that omega, so my presence there adds no value."

"Then I'll stay with you in case something happens."

"No! You are going to that party even though you don't want to. This will be the last time you see your son before they leave early tomorrow morning." Asami held my hand when I sat by her side and I sighed.

"You know you really confuse me." I complained and she grinned at me then kissed my cheeks.

"I confuse myself too. Just give my greetings and gifts, I'm going to bed." I smiled at her before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead and the baby then headed to the occasion.

"Papa!" Takato shouted as he jumped into my hands before I threw him up in the air and then carried him inside.

The café was closed down and decorated with banners, balloons and assorted food.

It was simple but colourful, something you could use for a small children birthday except there was no silly hats or horns or toys. Just a few new faces and people I recognized.

I dropped the gifts on the table where the other gifts were before making my way over to Yuki who was talking with that alpha that I saw him kissing. He looked happy, better than I remembered and I was happy that he was happy.

"Mama, papa is here." Takato said in excitement as Yuki faced me before I gave a small smile and dropped my son.

"Congratulations on the move away Yuki." I watched as he shivered to my voice but he composed himself before that alpha held his hand.

I saw the ring in his finger and from the design, it was no ordinary ring because it was made with real gem stones, giving it originality.

Yuki was waiting for my reaction and was surprised when I stretched my hands towards his fiance.

"I'm Haru, Haru Aizawa. You?" I asked with a smile before he accepted my hand.

"Kirito. Kirito Masamune." He responded and I pulled back while I mentally searched him.

He was a businessman that was never in the open, no public picture on him, just facts and rumors about him that I knew and from so far I've known...he was too clean for my liking.

No rumors that paired him to any scandal except his personality being unfit to be a CEO but I had a feeling he just used that to make moving around easy because he was really intelligent.

"Excuse me, I have to make sure the kids don't hurt themselves." Yuki said as he excused because he was clearly uncomfortable being smothered by the pheromones we were releasing.

"So I finally get to meet you in person, Haru Aizawa." His voice was smooth but it blended well with the hostility convincing me that he wasn't a simple man.

"Likewise though I'm not so sure now. What's your plan towards Yuki? Why Yuki of all omega?" I asked matching his hostility with protectiveness and curiosity.

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