Chapter Twenty Five

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I sat down in the bar, I usually frequent with Akio as I took a sip from the punch I ordered. It didn't take long, Akio came rushing in and took a seat beside me.

"How was Los Angeles?" Akio asked as I shrugged and muttered okay. He ordered for a cocktail and then looked at me.

"You got married and didn't bother to call me as a best man."

"It was rushed and it wasn't really a wedding. We just sighed and the court made it official with just two witnesses to stand." I explained before he nodded and then I looked at him. "How's the kid?"

"Nori is great. Well, when he isn't have mood swings, being pregnant does shit to him but I love him. We're gonna have a boy and his baby shower is in a week." Akio informed me as I smiled at him.

"When is he due?"

"A month away. I was planning since I've marked him, if I should give him a small wedding just to see his reaction."

"Well just know that I'll be your best man after I punch you." I said as Akio laughed at my statement.

"Let's settle it now." Akio said before I looked into his eyes. I took a sip and kept a stern face.

"You slept with Yuki, twice. Didn't you?" I asked, receiving a pregnant pause from Akio who kept quiet and sighed.

"Yeah but I promise you that was all in the past and just decisions two adults took."

"You never told me; why?"

"Because Yuki didn't want anything to do with you in the past. Also it's my sex life, the fact Yuki told you means he trust you."

"Oh I have no problem with Yuki. Does Nori know?"

"Nope. He said that he wasn't interested in knowing my past fling so far as none of them comes for me." I nodded before I took my punch and drank slowly.

"If it makes you feel better, just hit me." Akio said and I punched him hard on the face, making him to fall to the ground with a thud.

He grunted in pain as he held his chin before I stretched out a hand to him.

"All is forgiven bro." I said and he grabbed my hand before I pulled him up.

I got some ice for him as he placed it on his bruised cheek but luckily, it wasn't that bad.

We started to joke around and talk until I checked time, to see it was late.

"Gotta go home, it's late." I said before I got up feeling a little tipsy with Akio who waved goodbye.

"Nori is home with his folks." He explained and I tapped his back and walked to my car where I took a drive home.

I entered my room where I saw Yuki reading a book. He was blushing hard and closed the book the moment I coughed.

"You're back." Yuki said as I smiled before taking off my shoes, socks and sweater before I fell flat in the bed and hugged his waist.

"What are you reading?" I asked as Yuki trailed his hands through my hair.

"I wasn't reading, I was going through my childhood albums that my sister gave me. It was really embarrassing to see myself as a toddler." He explained and I stretched my hands towards the album and opened the first page.

I smiled when I saw the first picture. Yuki was celebrating his first birthday and his family circled him as he gave a toothy smile with his hand on the knife dug in the cake.

"I miss them everyday." He said softly as I closed the book and cupped his face. "But I have a family now. I have you and I have Takato and I'm never letting you both go well except Takato because he'll one day find someone."

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